The rusty-spotted cat is one of the world's smallest cats at only 2-3lb and 35-48cm long (minus tail).

Adults look like kittens and their small size keeps them relatively unknown.

They are found in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal, and have a near threatened conservation status.
Andean mountain cats are one of the rarest wild cats, found only in the Andes and at high elevation.

It is a protected species, has no subspecies and is very endangered.
The flat-headed cat is extremely unimpressed with everyone and everything.

They are pretty endangered though so fair enough.
The African golden cat is the supermodel of the cat world - she is STUN ING 🙌

Twice the size of a domestic cat and infinity times more muscular, this cat is on the vulnerable list and is a protected species.
The sand cat combines the eternal kitten aesthetic with the face of perpetual disapproval.

Bonus points for kittens with tremendous ears.

The sand cat is not a threatened species, hooray!
Little is known about the very rare bay cat who resides only in Borneo.

Apparently smug af, the bay cat has a call described as WHAAAAZZZZAAAAAAAP
The fishing cat is very good at fishing.

It eats fish. By fishing.

They live near fish. For fishing.

The caracal is a large cat that can jump 2 metres upwards from a standing start thanks to the wings grown from its ears.

They are keen photographers.
The jaguarundi cat is an extremely common cat that we know very little about as they refuse to answer requests for questioning.

They communicate via curses.
The kodkod is the smallest species of disapproving forever-kittens cat.

It also comes in black.
The serval is the venti of the cat world with extra leg, back, neck and cat.

Their stand-up routines are abysmal but it keeps them amused.
The Canada lynx has wares if you have coin
The marbled cat is around the same size as the domestic cat but made of 99% tail.

It has extremely large teeth for a cat of its size, which is how it manages to consume marbles.
The clouded leopard is smaller than a regular leopard but with far superior instagram skills.

It's said that the clouded leopard gains a million followers per day.
The pallas cat is the oldest of all living cat species who several million years ago accurately predicted the age of the meme.

Indeed, these may be the wisest animals on planet Earth.
I'm thal and this has been a thread of my favourite cats.

Other good cats are out there but these are objectively and undeniably the best ones.

Special mention goes to honorary cat, the bearcat.
I'm very pleased that the research hours I put in between the ages of 5 and 12 actually did pay off for my adult self.

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