When conceived rigorously as a literary and cinematic craft, horror is indistinguishable from a singular task: to make an object of the unknown, as the unknown. Only in these terms can its essential accomplishments be estimated.
Horror defines itself through a pact with abstraction, of such primordial compulsion that disciplined metaphysics can only struggle, belatedly, to recapture it. Horror first encounters ‘that’ which philosophy eventually seeks to know.
...fear is our deepest and strongest emotion, and the one which best lends itself to the creation of nature-defying illusions. (1/2)
Horror and the unknown or the strange are always closely connected, so that it is hard to create a convincing picture of shattered natural law or cosmic alienage or “outsideness” without laying stress on the emotion of fear. (2/2)
A monster can be no more than a guide, unless it fuses (like Yog Sothoth) into the enveloping extracosmic fabric, as a super-sentient concentration of doors. We can nevertheless avail ourselves of these guides, whose monstrosity says much about the path to the unnameable.
—Nick Land, Abstract Horror
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