Most people fail to parse the sexual politics of the dissident right. There is no true single synthesis of course, but as a vector in political space, it is neither Christian nor progressive, and for this reason it is deeply upsetting to both.
Above all it is concerned with realism, and it is in every way a reaction to the impotent and hyperidealistic sexual politics of the modern left, which are themselves a reaction to Christian frigidity. What both have in common is prudery
Nietzsche understood this well when wrote, “Christianity gave Eros poison to drink, and he did not die, but degenerated into vice”. Of course Christianity does not have to be like that, but it is. “I’m a Christian and I’m not a prude...” but in aggregate you are
Christian sexual prudery is a good strategy for containing our base impulses in the world of yesterday, but there is a high demand for promiscuity, and in the 20th century two technologies brought down the cost: antibiotics and contraceptives
Once the average person could afford promiscuity, the market for it exploded, and the sexual politics of the modern left began to take their present shape.
low-cost promiscuity + late-life marriage norms => implosion of Christian values.
People will pay lip service to Christianity in this environment but no amount of hysterical moralizing will compel the average person to stay celibate until marriage at age 30
Aside: since no one is capable of nuance, ever, Christians must demonize all sexuality, deigning only to grit their teeth and suffer through the concept of sex for reproduction’s sake. You will try to argue but anyone who glorifies celibacy necessarily denigrates erotic love.
On the other hand, and even more execrable, is the leftist reaction to this, which is the exact inversion of it: the sacralization of total depravity. Everything Christianity despises, the left embraces: sodomy, homosexuality, the profanement of marriage, defamation of innocence
But again, as with Christianity, they can only bear to grit their teeth and suffer through reproductive sex. It’s as if the prudes of the modern left are the children of the Christian prudes they tried to drive out: just as sanctimonious, just as obsessed with purity
And there is no middle ground, because literally every single person ever is incapable of nuance, and either everything is forbidden, or nothing is.
We have seen what the libertinism of the left has wrought; we are swimming in it. “The sexual marketplace” is a world that is saturated in sexual imagery, where everyone imagines everyone else is living a life of salacious abundance, though of course this is an illusion
As the tiresome, finger-waggling schoolmarms of all ideologies reliably point out, no one "needs" sex. This facile observation is obvious: no one will die of celibacy, and yet this denies something fundamental. Sex in this context was always a proxy for romantic love.
Who could be so full of contempt for their fellows as to claim that one has no need for love? After all, no one needs art or poetry or music either, not precisely, not imminently, not right this second or else...
But as with any fetish, a body part becomes a proxy for a body: erotic love, which is quantifiable, becomes a proxy for romantic love, which is not. Most people lack the language to diagnose the problem, which is to say they have a faulty mental model.
The sexual marketplace hurts us because it overwhelms us with the illusion of choice; everyone feels like a sad compromise; there is always a girl out there who is younger, skinnier, better endowed... or a man who is stronger, richer, more confident, more powerful
This is the instagram effect but it long predates the internet. You construct a hyperreal image of a person and you compare everyone to that and if you’re male you disappear into a vortex of porn and if you’re female you have a long string of regrettable encounters
In both sexes this leads to bitterness and bitter intersexual hatred; men are trash, entitled virgin asshole losers who just use women— women are whores, stuck up manipulative frigid opportunistic— lives in his mom’s basement— only wants a man who treats her like shit—
The average person holds out for someone who doesn’t exist, feels lonely about it, and it’s always someone else’s fault. You know that everyone, you included, is just following their incentives, which is why you blame your problems on all (wo)men.
To find deliverance from this pain, the progressive left teaches, you simply need to have sex! You need to let go of all your hangups and internalized oppression and then you will be able to find sexual fulfillment.
Anyone who speaks against this path to salvation must be a sexless loser. It’s the only conceivable explanation. The dissident right claims instead that the medicine of sexual emancipation is the cause of the disease it is meant to treat
The truth is that sex is never just sex, and when you treat it that way you debase yourself, and despite much protestation to the contrary, the implicit deal always was and always will be, "if I have sex with you, then in return you will love me"
How did we get to this sorry state? The dominant memeplex at the time, Christianity, was weak in one of its core components: specifically, religious ecstasy:
When the price of promiscuity fell dramatically, a materialist offshoot of Christianity, which sanctified sexual transgression as a pathway to religious ecstasy, was able to initiate a norm inversion
A sudden change in the environment selected for a memeplex that was equipped to take advantage of it. So how do we fix it? Whatever the solution is, it will hinge on restructuring the sexual marketplace to make promiscuity expensive again.
Nothing, not genocide, not chemical warfare—nothing—is more abhorrent to the progressive left than this idea: the restriction of sexual freedom. All of their most treasured laws and saints revolve around it. They worship sexual release
Their holiest sacrament, the murder of the unborn, is a twisted echo of the sacrifice of Christ, the life of an innocent given as atonement for the sins of others. Abortion mothers repeat the words of Christ but grimly, “this is my body...”
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