OKAY SO i had a very weird dream. so basically i had to guide a black horse through new york (specifically the street in himym and the theatre disrtict (??)) and take him to a clothing and shoe shop. and when we got there the woman was upstairs doing something so me and the horse
were just stood in the middle of the shop doing nothing. and then suddenly people had begun to arrive, and somehow none of them questioned me and the horse. the lady of the shop then came downstairs and told him to take him out back and so i take him out back. so i take him out
back where there’s like a courtyard and the building next to the shop is a mini farm and so the guy there is like attach him to the post. but the clip of the lead (it was like a dog lead but massive for a horse yet it still has the clip at the end) wouldn’t fit so the guy said
that we would have to hurt him (i don’t remember how) and so i kept trying to get the clip to work on the post meanwhile bawling my eyes out and the guy kept trying to hurt my horse. and then i woke up and now i’m very sad because of it. the end pf story.
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