I used to be so into all of the vibration/energy talk. Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Law of One... You name it, I was neck deep in it. And now? Now that kind of talk grates my nerves.
Now I see that those ideologies are not for Black people. (Waits for the noteps to flood my mentions). They aren't for women. They aren't for anyone who identifies as anything other than white and male and heterosexual.
I’ve talked about this subject a lot. But I feel very strongly about it. Spirituality and religion are not separate from politics and economics.
Your spiritual practice and religious philosophy,or doctrine, is going to do one of two things:

1. Support your politics and economics
2. Undermine your politics and economics
OF COURSE you create your own reality when you are a white, heterosexual male. DUH! The whole world is colluding with you. Your identity is the “norm” and everything else is defined in reference to it.
OF COURSE you can feel yourself into better circumstances because the economic and political systems all over the world are built to ensure your success.
OF COURSE it’s only a matter of finding the feeling that aligns with your desire because the implicit bias cultivated by racism, misogyny, and trans & homophobia gives YOU, white cishet male, the benefit of the doubt on every level.
But when you are anything other than a white, cishet male, it don’t matter how good you feel, how clear your intentions... it’s you against the whole of patriarchy. And to believe otherwise is to fall for the control trap.
Let me reiterate, your spirituality and religious doctrine will either support or undermine your politics. And your politics will either support or undermine your spirituality.
When I hear people talking about energy and intention and all that stuff...vibrational reality and ascension, I think to myself: That drive to escape is THICK. And western individualism is a mind f*ck.
When things have always gone your way it’s very easy to subscribe to the law of attraction etc. It does work for some people. Not because of some universal law that works for everyone...
It’s about being born in the right place at the right time. The right political and social climate, family circumstances, economic system and circumstance. And guess what! NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE IN YOUR CONTROL.
Just like your politics reflects the experiences of your race, gender identity, sexual/romantic indentity, etc... Your spirituality and religious doctrine should not be the one size fits all “believe it before you see it” stuff made for and by cishet white men.
If you don’t accept the politics that furthers the cause of white male supremacy, then why should you subscribe to spiritual doctrines meant to support and further white male supremacy?
Yes, I believe this about Abraham Hicks and whoever else has you believing that the very real oppression you experience is because you haven’t clarified and refined your desire.
Listen, if the Law of Attraction has given you your dream life, then congratulations. But the last I checked, women are still making less than men, trans women are still being murdered, wages still stagnant despite economic growth, and police still murdering black folks.
Kudos to you and the paradise of your own making. You are so powerful and I’m so glad that it worked for you.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will be building community and developing spiritual practices that liberate us all.
As if marginalized peoples need another source of oppression. You can keep your “Black people chose slavery, it was good for them...without it we wouldn’t have blah blah music blah blach art...”

What a disrespect to my ancestors. Whew! To think they spent 400+ years revolting and organizing for you to say they CHOSE slavery for some spiritual purpose.

First of all, I pray Harriet Tubman chases you with her shotgun in your dreams for the rest of your life.
As @FatFemnistWitch reminded me... If your spiritual doctrine doesn’t have JUSTICE as a primary tenet, then you can KEEP THAT TRASH! I feel that so strongly. Whew!
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