I hate cis men giving women “advice” on street harassment instead of checking the men around them.

Y’all perform masculinity & live 4 each other’s approval. Y’all the only 1s who can change each other for the better.

Shame him 4 harassing women like y’all would if he was gay
I’m not even cis & it’s not hard to check other men if you have a rapport w/ them. Your homies already respect you, start there. I’ve told coworkers that men who street harass have no self control & I don’t respect that shit. Ain’t nobody tryna hear what makes your dick hard
Y’all are scared to check other men b/c you’re afraid of them thinking you’re less of a man. You’re willing to let women deal w/ harassment alone b/c you don’t want other men to think less of you. Grow the fuck up. This isn’t middle school anymore. Harassment don’t make you a man
Don’t say you’re the leader of ANY freedom movement if you don’t even wanna help women freely walk down the street without being bothered, yelled at, sweated, followed, assaulted, etc. Can’t even clean up your own streets and make them safe for everyone, but wanna be a “leader”
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