1.First rule to memorize and accept when dealing with and trying to understand the Democrats/Marxists/socialists.

2. This is the most important rule you have to learn in the today's political environment. It will save you time and useless political attacks when you try to answer their actions, ideas and talking points.
3. Let me repeat the rule again.

4. What does this mean in real life? It means among other things: they don't care about profit, shareholder wealth, best practices, economics, growing their business, fair play in the workforce, business ethics, laws written by capitalists.
5. For example, Facebook and Twitter stock this week. Does anyone think Zuck and Jake give a crap their stock lost 20%? If you do please reread the first tweet of the thread. In fact I bet they are happy they have lost "those customers" after all that was the plan.
6. Both drew up plans, hired people and directed those people to limit the reach and amount of conservatives on their apps. As far as Zuck and Jake are concerned their plan worked and if it cost them 20% of their stock price who cares.
7. Hell Marxists would consider that a win-win. Not only did they limit the right's power/reach; they also cost real capitalists a lot of money.
8. Now does it make sense? Do you think Hollywood cares about profits? Do you think they are too stupid to know how to make a movie that would make hundreds of millions? They make the garbage they make knowing it won't sell. They don't care. They furthered their main objective.
9. Okay let's review. The first rule to understand when dealing with the left is that they ARE NOT CAPITALISTS.
10. Let's use a government policy example this time. When you hear a leftist say they want universal healthcare is you first counter talking point "how will they pay for it?" If so, you need to reread this entire thread. They don't care about Capitalism or paying for the policy.
11. When Leftists propose raising taxes do you answer "that will hurt the economy?" If so, you aren't getting the point. They don't care about the "economy". They don't care about economic laws like supply and demand. They don't care about the GDP or standard of living.
12. These are the same people that ignore the laws of biology and think you can change genders. Do you think they feel the laws of economics are anything but a capitalist construct? If so, you need to revisit the first rule when dealing with leftists.
13. For those having a hard time following along let me repeat the first rule when dealing with leftists.

14. When they propose increasing min wage is your answer "Well that will costs jobs?" If so you totally aren't understanding the lesson plan today. They don't care about jobs. If people are out of work they will just tax those working more to pay welfare to those that aren't.
15. But you say "if you increase taxes that will just negate the raise those people got by increasing the min wage." Again leftists don't give a flying shit about individual incomes. The aim for the left wasn't to increase wages it was to increase their power.
16. So to wrap up this lesson. Let's review.


Any questions?
Note. I have no idea if autocorrect made Jack into Jake or if I typed it like a things/think moment. Those are the life and times of Twitter.
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