An "Ace 101" Educational Thread:

Asexuality is largely understood in the ace community as a lack of sexual attraction.

Sexual attraction is different than sexual desire.
Sexual attraction is attraction based on a desire to have sex with another person. i.e. "I'm attracted to that person because I want to have sex with them."

Sexual desire is a general desire for sexual activity. i.e. "I have an urge to engage in sex," "I'm horny," etc.
To be asexual does not necessarily mean to be without sexual desire, but without sexual attraction.

Although many asexual people do not engage in sexual activity, some do, and this does not invalidate their asexuality.
Engagement in sexual activity is not necessarily connected to sexual attraction, or even sexual desire.

To think of asexual people as "people who don't have sex" would therefore be incorrect and also flattening the community.
"Ace" is often used as an umbrella term to denote those who may experience a lack of sexual attraction, whether entirely, partially, or with conditions.

Not everyone in the ace community experiences a consistent lack of sexual attraction.
Asexuality is not a total lack of attraction to others or a desire to be alone.

Attraction itself is not only sexual. Attraction can be experienced in a variety of ways that aren't necessarily predicated upon sexual attraction or sexual desire.
Many, but not all, aces in the community identify by the manner in which they may or may not experience romantic attraction.

Romantic attraction is attraction based upon a desire to romantically engage, often meaning to be in a romantic relationship, with another person(s).
How all humans experience attraction is complex and multi-layered.

This means that romantic attraction can exist without sexual attraction. For example, a person may desire a non-sexual relationship that is still a romantic relationship.
Aromantic people experience a total, partial, or conditional lack of romantic attraction.

Although there is overlap, aromantic people are not necessarily asexual.

Sex and romance do not always have to simultaneously exist or not.

Asexuality is mostly defined as a lack of sexual attraction.

Sexual attraction is not the same as sexual desire.

Sexual activity can exist without attraction or desire.

Asexuality is not a lack of attraction.

Attraction is multi-layered.

Romance can exist without sex.
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