Avengers: Kingsmas A.U a Thread.
Nick Fury: Arthur

Maria Hill: Merlin

Nick founded Kingsman side by side with Howard Stark, the old Merlin that died because of mysterious reasons. Since then, Nick is trying to found Howard's killer and why he was killed.

Maria was trained by Howard to become Merlin.
Peggy Carter: Lancelot

Steve Rogers: Gawain

The oldest members os Kingsman and friends of Howard. Peggy has been training to become the next Arthur.
Tony Stark: Galahad

Tony was the youngest agent of Kingsman. Howard wanted him to become the next Merlin, but Tony never wanted that since he likes the adrenaline of the work in the field. He and Howard fought a lot.
James Rhodes: Percival

James joined the Kingsman after the death of the original Percival, James "Bucky" Barnes. James was also Tony boyfriend while they were in college. They broke up bc Tony hid his real job from James. After his entrance in Kingsman, He and Tony married.
Natasha Romanoff: Kay

Clint Barton: Bedivere

Nakia: Bors
Peter Stark-Rhodes

Didn't know about his parents Job, he was adopted by Tony and Rhodey after the death of his parents, former Kingsman agents, that died in the same day that Howard died. Peter had a normal life, but after Tony went missing he's trying joying Kingman.

Peter's boyfriend. He hacked Kingsman and discovered that Tony disappeared on a mission while he was searching for Howard's killer. Rhodey hates Ned because of it and he was against Peter joying Kingsman. But, because of his talent, Maria/Merlin took Ned under her wing.
Alexandre Pierce: Valentine

The men behind Howard's death. He kidnapped Tony in order to force him to work in a project initiated by Howard. He wants to kill a lot of people and them makes Hydra take control of the world.

She is controlled by Pierce, Ava is Nick Fury's daughter and Pierce niece, he faked her death in order to make her one of his minions. Ava, as Tony, was a prodigy and would probably become a Kingsman.
Bucky: Winter Soldier/ Former Lancelot

He is also controlled by Pierce. Bucky was captured while he was trying to found Howard and Peter's parents. He trained Tony and Ava when they were kids. He was one of the tops agents before being brainwashed. Natasha husband.
The end?? Basically, this is what I had in mind. They stop Pierce, Tony, Ava, and Bucky return home. I don't know if someday I'll write this (also I need a beta), but if someone wants this plot, be my guest.

Clint Barton: Bedivere
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