Buckle up: I’m going to relay the story of how a police officer threatened to take my dad to jail.

Background info: this is my dad.
So, we’re at my aunt’s apartment celebrating some event. Her neighbor knocks on the door and tells us to keep it down. I don’t recall the party being too loud, but whatever. The party continues...
The neighbor returns and says that she’s called the police. A short time later, a County police officer arrives (though it’s now merged, Louisville city and Jefferson County were separate). Officer stands at the open and starts to rattle off noise violation codes.
My dad is just chillin while this guy rambles off these supposed violations. The officer finishes and my dad stands up....
Officer: You think this is funny?
My dad: Well, you misrepresented about a dozen city ordinances and this isn’t how you should interact with the police.
O: And how do you know?
Dad: I wrote the policies

The officer tells my dad that he’s gonna be the first to go to jail. My dad looks at my mom and asks the officer what district he’s out of. The officer responds quite smugly. My dad says “oh, that’s Major so and so’s district...”

My mom, who’s been sipping her drink the whole time, hands my dad his address book. My dad walks over to the phone and calls the officer’s commanding officer... at home. They shoot the breeze and then my dad says “one of your guys is gonna take me to jail.”
My dad then tells the officer that his CO would like to speak to him. Officer walks over to the phone and we can all hear him getting chewed out. Right now, my dad goes and makes himself another drink.
The officer finishes the call and my dad sets up lunch with the another major. Now, this officer that arrived like gangbusters turns and apologizes to everyone. My dad responds “Officer Jones, I believe that proper training can fix anything.”
1. The officer’s name wasn’t Jones
2. My dad walks over, turns the music back up and sits down.

Officer keeps apologizing and my dad puts up his hand and says:

“Son, you’ve been dismissed.”
The officer leaves and I’m like...
So that’s the story of how my dad handled having the police called. And it’s a reminder that folks calling the police for stupid stuff isn’t new.
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