How the Moon Signs Love - A Thread (idea creds: @AiDolceP)
Aries πŸŒ™ -
The sign of Aries being the youngest astrologically, and the moon standing for one's emotional core, technically this means on an emotional level, Aries moons function as the baby of the zodiac. In love, they are playful and demonstrative, particularly physically.
Aries moon is fiery, full of impulsive energy in a relationship. It can be hard to pin them down for long. Their optimism and need to follow impulse can lead them to jump on several opportunities at once.
In love, they are attentive but will make it clear that their independence is non-negotiable. They like to take charge but do not care for people who never takes charge, their love of competitiveness and back-and-forth is too strong to settle for anything less than a fun game.
Aries πŸŒ™ tends to assert itself to be the head of a relationship and feels most comfortable in a friendly, yet competitive environment. They may mask their insecurities through teasing or other forms of power play, but often consider this as their own forms of affection.
AriesπŸŒ™s may have a strong capacity for revenge, anger, and jealousy-- bearing in mind the nature of Aries' ruling planet Mars. In a relationship, they may turn this energy into protectiveness, supporting their partner and offering their protection as a defence to them .
Aries moon's emotions can be tumultuous as this moon is in the sign of impulse. When in a relationship, they may turn to the extreme independence of the Aries sign and hide their problems or they may fall into the "me-first" attitude and bring their partner along for the ride.
This moon sign is especially prone to temper tantrums. They can be too self-involved to see their partner's POV, feeding their anger further. Aries moons need to learn to navigate their emotions safely lest they find their emotions are the ones driving them.
Aries moons are very reactive and are sensitive to others' reactivity. They bore of routine and can start a fight with their partner to get a reaction and break the monotony. They love to stir the pot, peace is not their playground, war is (they're Mars' child after all)
When Aries moon is happy, they like to spread their happiness. It is a blow to their face when others don't take the same enjoyment in the things making them happy. They may be immature in their comprehension of other people's nuances, and often expect others to be like them.
Aries moons can be quite high maintenance in that they require a lot of attention when in your presence, and if coupled with a negative/feminine sun sign (earth or water), they may express this need passive aggressively. They do not need you to dote on them, but hear them out.
Remember that Aries moons are very active emotionally and have a lot of energy- especially when compared to their neighbour Taurus moon. Thus when you have Aries moon in a pairing with a more emotionally reclusive sign, there can be some clashes w/ differing needs of expression.
Aries moon above all thrives in a straightforward, yet polite way. They can handle the truth, but not given rudely. They can be easily provoked and lose their composure easily. When they hear aggressive tones, they are already ready to jump to their own defence.
Taurus πŸŒ™ -
Moon here is a contrast to bouncy Aries, it's in slow but steady Taurus. It's in exaltation, happy to be cruising through Venus-ruled, luxury-loving, & build-happy Taurus. In love, comfortable and attached, Lunar Taureans are slow to get in and even slower to get out.
Taurean moons take their sweet time to get into relationships, as they are fully aware of their capacity to get attached. Above all, best to remember that the moon is in a fixed earth sign. Fixed signs don't very much like change, and earth signs don't very much like risk.
So it isn't rocket science that a ♉ moon, doesn't very much like emotional risk. They go slow. Should they decide it's okay, they will go all in. Of course, once they've made up their mind, this stubborn one will stick with relationships through & through.
Taurean moons love to nurture, and will care for their partner in a very direct way. They love to nourish their loved ones, and especially at the beginning of a relationship may "settle down" by housekeeping. They'll clean your place, meal prep for you, wash your hair.
Taurean moons can be quite clingy when it comes to their partners, and they are quite possessive. They struggle with insecurity and trust and have trouble controlling their jealousy. As this is a passive sign, they may express it in very roundabout ways.
Rest assured that Taurean moons move, no matter how slow, and their eyes remain steadily on the prize. Unlike Aries moon, who does not like to lose and will race to the finish line, Taurus will walk, stamina intact, to the line- all obstacles considered and circumvented.
What this means is that Taurus moon will get their way, whether they express it to you or not. Their stubborn nature however can get the best of them, and they often have to make difficult choices to compromise on what they love for something they love a bit more.
Taurus moon is terrified of losing their partner, well aware of the depth of their attachments. They may go overboard trying to force their partner to settle. This can especially be an issue when they are with partners of fire or air moons, as they do not function this way.
Taurus moon needs tangible expressions of support and love. Thus, it is important to act upon what you say you will do. They remember your promises and will hold you to them.
Gemini πŸŒ™ -
The moon, back to a bouncy sign, moves out of Taurus and gets knackered by Gemini's cerebral nature. Here we have the centre of emotion, in a thinker air sign. In love, Gemini moon has thought the whole thing out. Curious as ever, they are intrigued by its novelty.
Gemini moon likes to talk things out and values good conversation. If the lunar Gemini has a feminine/negative chart, they may prefer online or text conversations to real life talk. One thing is for sure, they are curious and trying to form a connection through this medium.
Gemini moons aren't too good with not rationalizing their emotional side, but being the charmers that they are, they may fake it (channel someone from TV or their life) till they make it. As an air sign, they prefer not to be weighed down, thus do not settle easily
Gemini moons do not hate commitment but fear it or do not care for it much. They yearn genuine connection but struggle with serious conversation. Gemini moons are the anti-thesis of Scorpio mercury, in that they do better with lighthearted topics
In love, Gemini moon memorizes details about their partner and is attentive to facts. They like to know about their partner's interests and may mimic them and their conversational style as well.
Gemini moons are intellectuals and prefer that their partners can engage with them to this end. They are turned off by those who do not have much to teach them.
Gemini moons, true to their sign, can be emotionally flighty or wishy-washy. They do not intend to be flakes (and most likely, they are more reliable than Libra moons) but do not feel compelled to stay in one place, with one person, for too long
Gemini moons, owing to their strong curiousity, need a flexible and understanding-of-their-mutability partner. Their partner must understand their need to safely explore different avenues of the relationship, and their need for quality conversation.
Cancer πŸŒ™ -
Out of curious Gemini and into cautious Cancer, the moon is literally home in Cancer. That's the keyword - home. Cancer moon's needs call for emotional comfort, security, and assurance. The crab bears its home as an armour, and crabby Cancer πŸŒ™ is no different.
Cancer moon carries its protection everywhere it goes. They are guarded, and in love they are slow to trust. They are very easily provoked, in that the slightest sense of something being off pushes them to retreat into themselves. That is the hermit way.
They value familiarity and above all place a lot of significance upon familial relations. Not getting along with their family is a dealbreaker. This the sign associated with the mother, and in the planet associated with the mother, so... Maternal approval is important.
Cancer πŸŒ™ can be excessively passive aggressive and often struggle to communicate their needs. Being a water moon, passivity is in their nature, but this is not all there is to Cancer as they are also cardinal. This lends them some go-getting and instigation when channelled right
In the beginning of their relationships, Cancer πŸŒ™s bottle their problems. They are guilty of digging themselves into a deep grave of self-pity until they've had enough, in which case they tend to blow up all at once. What is important is to learn early on to communicate these.
Cancer πŸŒ™s have an energy that compels people to confide in them, making it easy enough for their partner to open up to them. The tragic fact is the same cannot be said for Cancer moon, which remains guarded (think: shell) for many months into a relationship.
That being said, Cancer πŸŒ™ offers a strong, sympathetic, and readily-available listening ear. They prefer direct connections (conversation) and are particular about how they want to spend time with you. They might not want to go out on some days, our advice: don't force them to
Leo πŸŒ™ -
From the sign that rules the planet, to the sign that rules the jungle, home-loving Cancer moon moves into pride-loving Leo moon. In stark contrast, these individuals are almost immediately open, demonstrative, and command the attention of whomever they choose.
In love, Leo moons are fun, generous, and boastful about their loved one. They are very proud of their SO and like to show them off. Leo moons are markedly protective of their "pride", so don't mess with their SO.
Leo moons are expressive and like to shower their significant other with gifts and compliments. They expect to receive love and attention back, and are in need of reciprocation. When they love you, they always extend their full support, and expect your loyalty in return.
Leo πŸŒ™ is dramatic, and when things don't go its way, this fixed fire lunar energy turns into a stubborn, angry, front centre mess. Not whirlwind fits like Aries moons, but rather, performative and aimed at getting their way. Partners- tread carefully and choose your battles.
Leo πŸŒ™ LOVES adventure. The fire in them seeks thrill and high energy activities. Synergy is felt when you are both having a blast doing those things Leo moon finds exciting. Leo moons is a big cat, playful, powerful, & certain it can take on whatever challenge you throw its way.
In relationships, lunar Leos can struggle with possessiveness, jealousy, and high needs of your attention. The alpha cat really jumps hard out of this one. Best not to mess too hard with making them jealous lest you get burned.
Owing to their self-involvement, Leo moons are all too aware of their charming nature. As a result, they may feel entitled to all of their partner's time. It can be difficult for them to comprehend that their partner doesn't always have the energy to stroke big Leo πŸŒ™'s ego
Clashes especially may occur with water moons, which can easily feel drained by the emotional labour of keeping Leo moon attention-satisfied. At any rate, it is clear that Leo moon is willing to give so much more than they may want to take!
Virgo πŸŒ™ -
In Virgo, the moon takes on an inquisitive and (seemingly!) orderly character. Emotions are organized, rationalized, and pondered (rather than processed!) for a long time. In love, this placement is not so much sentimental as practical. They connect mentally.
Virgo is unique here in that it is both a mutable (prone to change) and earth sign (embodies stability). In the moon, Virgo tends to maintain the peace (promote stability) by being the kind to let go more easily than not (by being flexible flexible).
VirgoπŸŒ™ appreciates organization so you shouldn't rearrange their stuff. Things should be where they put em. That being said they're mutable, so it WILL push them away if you force them into the same routine everyday (this is advice for the Taureans out there dating Virgo moons!)
If I could describe them in two words, lunar Virgos represent organized spontaneity. They may be serious, analytical, keep to themselves depending on their other placements but Virgo πŸŒ™ can also be an incredibly outgoing, chatty, and open-minded person to be around.
When it comes to partners, many Virgo moons are critical (just like they are with the public). This is mostly because emotionally they are nit-picky, and cannot leave a good thing to be a good thing. Their analysis can be your worst enemy, but it can generate great advice for you
Virgo moons need to have their own space, but many Virgo moons, the moon here being mercurial, get overloaded with their thoughts (read: masked feelings) and will need to have a person (or more!) to help them sort through their ideas.
To get close to a Virgo moon, you should tend to their need to feel needed. They are a self-sacrificing people, and need to know their place in your life. When you allow them to help you, they get a good feeling, which helps them feel secure & powerful.
Libra πŸŒ™-
In Libra, the moon is people-loving, people-pleasing, and people-seeking. They are sociable, charming, and think in terms of social structures. Libra, one of the Venusian signs, feels most emotionally at home when they are in love.
Libra moons, in the relational air element, tend to be very curious about the particularities of varying social environments. They are gratified by knowledge pertaining to how different people feel about one another, and often seek out people's opinions.
Lunar Libras are seekers of emotional balance, and to do so they harmonize emotionally with everyone. They may be accused of "losing their personality" in order to please their partners or loved ones, but this is merely their peace-building personality working some magic.
Libra moon cares a lot about appearances, believes in putting on a good image and, in true Venus style, exuding beauty. Lunar Libras who are undeveloped may be overly particular to "people who are pleasing to the eye".
Libra moon can also dedicate too much energy to maintaining their image that they may compromise their self esteem in the long run. They may internalize beliefs that their social achievements and circles depend on their constant maintenance, rather than genuine connection.
Libra moons can also be very indecisive in life and love, and may claim that their worst nightmare is deciding on a person and missing on the next best person who comes along.
Libra moons above all value relationships in theory-- they spend much of their time visualizing connections and harmony and love, but when it comes to settling down, their Venusian sibling Taurus moon has a more innate instinct to doing so.
What people may misunderstand about Libra moons is that they are not flaky as much as they are people-pleasers and harmonizers, and this quality in them often forces them to befriend people temporarily in order to bring about that harmony in a room.
Libra moon serves as a mediary, host, the equalizer, and people can easily mistake their charming diplomacy for genuine friendship. The moon πŸŒ™ here being in an air sign, gets emotionally jittery at the thought of being anchored down- and instinctively may flee.
Scorpio πŸŒ™-
A tough placement, the moon here being in its fall. These are transformational individuals, who must go through several emotional "deaths" (so to speak) in order to reveal a stronger, more powerful, and hardy self. Romantically, they bring out depth in their lovers.
Scorpio moons endeavour to find their lovers' true selves, and may find themselves see-sawing between tending to their intense emotional needs and their lovers'. They tend to attract emotional & physical intensity like themselves, which falls into their transformational lifeline.
Scorpio moon values honesty and loyalty greatly. They arguably demand a deeper emotional security than Cancer moon, looking beyond what is said and investigating themselves what they need reassured for them.
Since they are easily overwhelmed with paranoia or distrust, they don't do well with passive lovers. Scorpio moons can struggle in relationships as they are hardly comfortable showing the vulnerability and openness that they demand from their partners.
Some Scorpio moons may feel like emotional rollercoasters, and their black-and-white thinking can cause them to swerve from two emotional extremes. They are above all least comfortable in gray areas, and like to know things-- particularly emotional "facts" for certain.
When low functioning, Scorpio moons use emotional tactics as a form of defence. At its worst, lunar Scorpios may strike in the way they suspect they may be striked, cheat before being cheated on, lie before being lied to, justifying their actions as survival measures.
When high functioning, Scorpio moon is devoted and allows their partner all of its resources to support them and help them find themselves. Scorpio moons require mutual trust as well as intimacy to grow, and this is what should be focused on in their relationships.
As partners, they can be very protective and quick to feel jealous. Scorpio moons can struggle with the same possessiveness of the sister sign moon placement, Taurus moon. This is why trust is essential to the relationship.
Sagittarius πŸŒ™ -
The moon here moves out of brooding Scorpio and into good-humoured, jovial Sagittarius. Gone is the slow boiling intensity and here is the fast moving fire. Sag moons are fun, confident, & cut to the chase. In love, they are friendly, flirty, and forward.
I personally think this is the most flirty of all moon placements, even for a fire moon. Their mutability x their fire = a quick-moving, quick-changing personality. They are restless, ready to take on the world, its people, and its cultures.
With Jupiter as their influence, Sag πŸŒ™ typically view life (and love)as a game of luck. They /feel/ lucky and this lends them the confidence to go after those that they are interested in. They initiate conversation relatively easily and speak their mind happily.
Sagittarius moons love to hear others' perspectives and will try very hard to get to know the person in front of them. They give and take with honesty and genuine interest. In relationships, they will appreciate conversations and adventures the most.
Many Sagittarius moons may inadvertently scare their partners when their happy-go-lucky personality gives way to their fire sign temper, but their temper is typically short-lasting, and once they release it they are quick to move on from what sets it off.
And though they are flirty, Sagittarius moon is hesitant to enter "official" relationships. They value their freedom too greatly to take relationships lightly. Any hint that entering would disrupt their ability to roam and explore as they wish can cause them to run the other way.
It comes as no surprise that the restless Sag moon does not appreciate clingy types. They are just as emotionally restless as they are mentally and physically. Good conversation, lots of space, and some separate hobbies are the key to a good run with them.
They love to get moving! Sports or anything involving getting out of their bubble is a good bonding activity. They can be claustrophobic, and need to get out of the house for a change of scenery. This can be tough for Cancer/Scorpio heavy partners who eer on the home-loving side
Sagittarius moons may struggle with partners who exhibit a lot of negativity and defeatism (this can be the case with a partner who has strong Capricorn placements) or those who can be too easily rubbed the wrong way by their brashness (like Pisces placements)
Sagittarius moon would do well in a relationship that affords them the positivity they strive to exude, the personal space they cherish, the freedom to speak their mind that they take pride in, as well as the means and company to lead their explorative adventure of life.
Capricorn πŸŒ™ -
As it is in its fall in Scorpio, the πŸŒ™ in its detriment sign carries a similar difficulty. The moon symbolizes the feeling instinct, the reactive. When in Capricorn, the instinct to emote is internalized. As such, they value privacy in a relationship.
Capricorn moons make very serious and prepared lovers. As opposed to the case of Cancer moons, who embody a motherly role for their lovers, they take on Saturnian fatherly traits, caring for lovers in their particular way. Cap πŸŒ™s even have the dry humour to match.
This moon placement puts a lot of importance on tradition. They tend to fall back on tradition for how a relationship "should" unfold. The earth in them makes them excellent planners who need to feel prepared so they tend to not like (emotional) surprises in a relationship.
Cap moons above all need security, so might make a huge deal about getting married. While they might not come across as the type to get excited about a party, they get a huge sense of satisfaction from official, "binding" ceremonies like weddings or engagement parties.
Capricorn moons can be very romantic and affectionate but this side of them needs to be drawn out by their partner in private. Many Cap moons shy away from PDA. They do not like being flashy about their relationship and may only do so when feeling provoked or jealous.
Capricorn πŸŒ™s often struggle heavily to express emotion, as they have a lot to work through on their own and do not like to burden anyone with their feelings. This is the lone wolf sign after all, so when low functioning they can veer on the extremes of emotional distance.
Capricorn πŸŒ™s may try to avoid emotional conversations altogether and may instead show their love through gifts and acts of service. If this isn't how you're used to receiving love, you have to make it clear to them!
What's great about HF Capricorn πŸŒ™s is that they understand relationships require work. LF Capricorns understand this somewhat too, but may not see the work as worth compromising their emotional safety for emotional vulnerability, or may be too hard working to afford it any time.
What's certain is no matter where they lie on the functionality scale, Capricorn moon will take their time opening up. They are not creatures of risk and will want to know you first. But once they do, their trust in you will touch you, as they do not just give it to anyone!
Aquarius πŸŒ™ -
When the moon falls in Aquarius, a layer of emotional reservation, distance, and detachment dominates. This native'll likely sit out overboard emotions in favour of a cerebral approach to processing the heavy. In love they are open-minded, opinionated, and soothing.
Aquarius moon's approach to the concept of emotion is reserved, restrained. They can be guilty of "checking out" emotionally. Thus while they may care deeply for you, they'll likely struggle with appreciating what feelings they have early on, and so run from serious relationships
Lunar Aquarians do best with partners who appreciate their need for breathing room. They need space to let their individuality roam freely. Without this, lunar Aquarians tend to wilt into a frustrated state, or else fade away into a distant or disengaged version of themselves.
Aqua moons often deal with chaotic, emotional upheaval in their life, throughout which their instinctive, go-to approach of emotional distance is often tried. More so when they are settled down in a relationship, they struggle with how to verbalize and share their feelings.
That is not to say Aquarius moon does not feel, instead it is to point out the crux of emotion that many with this placement struggle with: acknowledging their existence to begin with, and beginning to process them.
Aquarius moons do not instinctively feel entitled to feeling what they feel, and many express feeling that they know themselves to be "above" feeling the things they feel, and yet helpless to feeling them.
It's important for Lunar Aquarians to be convinced that emotions are not the anti-thesis of rationale, that they will have not abandoned intellect when they choose to tend to their emotions, that they can be intelligent, non-conformist and simultaneously compassionate creatures.
Aside from the emotional vein of this moon placement, Aquarius moon makes for an excellent conversationalist who is interested in engaging their partner on a variety of topics. Their partners tend to be intelligent as well, and capable of bringing new concepts to the Aqua moon.
Aside from all the above, you should keep in mind that Aquarius moon will bare their quirky, unique self when they feel safe and emotionally comfortable with you. The Aqua moon you think you're meeting will not necessarily be the same one you get to know.
Once you've given your Aquarius moon time, breathing room, some cool tech, 39 hours of your uninterrupted listening to their whacky conspiracy theories, and laughed at all their weird jokes, you'll find they can adjust into the lovey-dovey lifestyle just fine.
Pisces πŸŒ™ -
Lunar Pisces is a free spirit weighed down only by their good-natured need to help and heal. They're infamous for having a martyr or saviour complex. This is the placement of the emotionally psychic, tuned, charged, and ready to absorb. In love, they fall very hard.
When listening to their grievances, you'll find most Piscean moons have internalized the problems they've seen others around them have. Subconsciously, they often carry a lot of their friends', family's, and even strangers' troubles.
They can easily get lost in other's feelings, making it hard to navigate their own. This is a dangerous and slippery slope as Piscean moons are escapists by nature, and are often drawn to dating people they feel sympathy for for this very escape potential.
This is one of many characteristics about this moon placement that pushes them to pursue troubled individuals for partners or close friends, the opportunity for escape of their own struggles by taking on their partner's.
What can come of this is the unevolved Piscean πŸŒ™ overextends their energy in relationships in true saviour complex nature, to a partner that may not be in the right place to be cognizant of the emotional toll this has on Pisces moon.
Consequently, Pisces moon will build up resentment for giving so much and seemingly not getting much in return and the martyr complex comes to surface. Pisces moon might leave at this point, or stay and continue feeding this complex.
A huge factor too is Pisces moons have heightened sensitivities to others' emotional energy & take great pleasure in "saving people". They can be complete suckers for whatever sob story comes their way, and will lose sight that their partners should have any redeeming qualities.
Pisces moons can quickly get stuck in unrequited love cycles, where they refuse to pursue their partners, for fear of their illusions about individuals they're in love with proving false. Many Pisces moons have wildly projected illusions about those they're interested in.
Sometimes something small will not go according to plan and Pisces moon will take this as a threat to their illusion. Seemingly docile, sweet-natured Pisces moon can quickly snap in this case and either run in the other direction, or get disproportionately mad.
Most Pisces moons truly expect their partners to play along with their illusions at all times. In a healthy Pisces moon relationship, lunar Pisceans should feel safe to express their fantasies, dreams, and ideals, but should also have a partner committed to grounding them.
It's important that Pisces moon learns not to get carried away, or to give too much weight to the way they see the world. They are a mutable sign, and if anything is bound to change emotionally, it is mutable water in the emotional core of one's chart.
On communication, Pisces moons make great listeners and are accepting of all kinds of whacky ideas and interests. They love hearing about your dreams and expect you to listen to theirs. Their creativity is exceptional and yes, they WILL make art about you.
BUT they struggle with direct communication about how they feel and have a strong tendency for passivity. In most cases, they will swim away from conflict and may hold on to their grievances for a long time till they blow up all at once.
It's important to give opportunities for your Pisces moon to express how they feel about your actions, as they will take your lead in that. If you are distant, they will be distant. If you react badly, they will only learn to refrain from sharing.
Overall this can be a very simultaneously distrusting and trusting placement. So make it easy for them to trust you. They can be the most accepting, giving, albeit moody partner. If you are good to them, expect that your goodness will be matched over and over again.
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