
This was a small self published memoir before a movie. I was really interested to hear it would be one. Author was the first black officer in Colorado Springs.

You know what else happened around there? RMFC. There is a point to this. https://twitter.com/BlacKkKlansman/status/1019027717981761536

RMFC was closed, in large part, due to ideological pressure from communist/far left furries.

Being a communist and furry while acting like communism never did anything wrong/was never tried properly. Fascinating how the entire state of Colorado was even run by the KKK once.

Furry is suffering, internally, from extremism and ideological purity tests.

Some of the most mind boggling stupidity (and avocation of violence and hate) you could ever find on the face of the planet is found in these aspects of the furry subculture now.

Anyhow, if you see these fools, there's a movie coming out about how disconnected they are from reality. I'm interested to see it.

The police officer Ron Stallsworth basically used a 'sona to infiltrate the Klan, using phone and mail and stand-ins before the internet.

This is similar to what a non far left furry had to do regarding the extremist 'LeftistFurs' Telegram chat.

They got in, found logs of them wanting attacks, dehumanising opponents, working together to create propaganda targeting furries, encouraging hate and violence.

And, similar to the KKK and Colorado, where they ended up with a lot of people in positions of power.

In furry, the far left extremists have a lot of folks in positions of power.

The #FurAffinityPurge is a good example, protection of terrorists recruiting on site.

These folks are acting as gatekeepers, attacking any who speak out against them.

I have been contacted by a few furries, who have let me know that the 'LeftistFurs' chat never really died.

It just went more private. They have a public face, and hide their private plans.

This would match the fact that several furry specific Telegram chats have had mods 'recently concerned' with the presence of 'AltFurries' in unrelated and non-political areas.

It is subtle, it is slow, but it is happening and needs to be stood against.

Furry was about anthropomorphics, and being inclusive.

It has had a HUGE influence and presence of GLBTI etc... people/culture since the beginning.

Far left extremism has traditionally targeted these people.

I don't want to see anyone else hurt from extremism.
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