Project car journey officially begins today.
So this is it. Wanted something that won't be a complete ground up "build" but at the same time it couldn't be perfect because what's the point then.
Today I started working on it. The paint job is HORRIBLE. Bonnet and boot are wrap in a terrible fake carbon fibre wrap, wiring harness is toast so car doesn't start. Has a very cheap aftermarket alarm and neon lights(in 2018 🙄) and a rubbish sound system. Lol
However, the interior is in surprisingly good shape which makes me happy. All the electronics still work too.
New tool box too! 😁
What a struggle but I was successful in the end. Took out all the cheap wiring from the sound system, got the car to swing(biggest achievement today) and removed the aftermarket fuel cut-off system. Paint prep is the next task.
Got my new wiring harness today. Now to put it in 😑.
New harness in. This guy did it in under 1 hour. Most forums said 2+ hours 😂. Hood talent at its best đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
Wiring harness Day 2. The struggle continues. Car still swinging but no final spark. Almost there.
New fuel pump relay later, still no start. W124 why you do dis??? 😭😭😭
On the move again. No choice but to hand it over to upper echelon experts. I suspect it's that silly immobilizer that it has but we will see.
Little update. Bumper finally arrived! 😁.
I've been quiet about this for a while now. It's not easy taking on such a task, especially since the car was bought as a non runner but that's what adds to the drive to complete the project though.
The most important thing when doing such is finding an experienced and RELIABLE mechanic that specializes in that specific brand you are restoring. It will save you a lot of time, money and disappointment.

Also, try DIY as much as possible.
After months and months of pretty much living on Gumtree, OLX and so on, I finally found the most important part for my build project 😍. An original set of AMG Monoblock Aero 2's. Any Merc enthusiast knows how these are almost impossible to find. Beyond happy right now.
New addition for the project car. Hopefully this will help with all my project car woes 🙃.
As much as I want to keep everything semi-stock, I can't because the factory ECU is done for. So today we're getting a brand new Dicktator Management system put in. That saves a lot of stress and money. Monoblocks are looking mighty fine too â€ïžđŸ˜.
She's FINALLY alive 😭. Man, I'm so emotional right now. A whole 6 months later it finally starts and runs.

Ignore the silly paint job. That will be changed soon.
I got a few questions asking who did the Dictator Management System for me. It's a guy named Branden Rotherford and he's based in Capital Park.

Some of his work:
Finally got to drive it more than 100 km for the first time since buying it. It's so comfortable in a way that I can't describe and it's nothing like I've ever felt before. Still some fine tuning to do but the 2.8 straight 6 is sounding healthy đŸ‘ŒđŸŸ
May be a tad raspy but it sounds WAY better than the R.
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