In two years time, I’ve lost almost 30 pounds. My diet isn’t great 24/7; I love bread, sweets & Dr. Pepper. I sometimes struggle to find motivation to go to the gym, but I’m happy & feel healthy.

I love this LONG process & I’m learning to love myself. 💪🏻
I had multiple people ask me tonight, “have you lost weight? Because I can tell!”

Honestly, I hadn’t really paid much attention, but it made me feel good, & I weighed myself when I got home.. down 10 more lbs! Exercise, eating BETTER, & feeling good is what it’s all about.
I’m sorry if I sound like a conceited SOB, but I haven’t felt this good about myself in a long time. I also like the fact that my journey isn’t a “perfect” weight loss story. I have good days and bad, and that’s all there is to it.
Wowie, I’m a wussie in the gym rn. 🥵 But... I’m gonna keep going!!!
I dunno bout anybody else, but I love transformation pictures—even just small progress makes me feel SO. GOOD.
This picture has been plastered everywhere, but I’m just having a good day and feeling good!

Pushing to be HAPPY, HEALTHY, and STRONG! 💪🏻💞
It may not be a big change, but that’s okay. Hair’s a little shorter, skin’s a little (fake) tanner, and I’m feeling a whole lot better. Keeeeeep going 💪🏻.
After 5 weeks of doing no exercise besides walking around Sorrento and an occasional hike, it’s time to get my butt back in the gym today. Feeling good... feeling fresh... can’t wait to sweat away all the pizza I ate.
Added on a picture from this year... it’s crazy what a good haircut, some sun, and loving yourself will do for ya! I’m working every day to make sure I’m happy AND healthy. I deserve an ice cream or something! 😂🤗

Thanks Twitter, for being an outlet for me.
Yaknow... this losing weight thing is great and all, but all of my jeans are getting REAL loose, and I don’t have the $$$ to be redoing my wardrobe 😅
I ended my freshman year of college weighing in at 175 lbs. I’m down to 145, and I could cry tears of joy!!!! Keep going... even on days you don’t want to. KEEP GOING!!
In high school, I couldn’t do a sit up without pulling my feet off the ground. Well, check me out ma cause now I can!!! Today, I’m thankful that I’m able to sweat and workout, even if it’s only for 20 minutes.
From the most I’ve ever weighed in my life, to the happiest I’ve ever been. Even when I’ve been slacking, I know my hard work and how I feel is what keeps me going.
Don’t just talk about it... be about it! I don’t even recognize the girl on the left anymore!! Physically and mentally I’m in such a better place, even if I am little tomato right now. 💙
Wow, I’ve worked out twice since being quarantined. It’s better than nothing I guess. 👍
I wasn’t very nice to myself during the time where I wasn’t working full-time and just doing school. Working out full force tonight made me feel worlds better. 💪🏻 Gonna have a salad for lunch tomorrow... followed by a cookie bc I deserve it & carbs are good for you ;)
470 calories burned today. That 3 day weekend and multiple trips to Dunkin’ w/ a cool dude is calling my name!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Happy. Healthy. Better than I was before. ✨ 4 years of learning how to nourish my body, not torture it. 4 years of learning how to make myself strong, not make myself *skinny.* I see a Dr. Pepper in my future!!!
My memory today was my first day of school picture for my sophomore year of college. I had just started focusing on my health a couple months prior. Keep going! I still work at it each day. My jawline & smile are sooo much happier. 🎉
I cried happy happy tears after my run today. I’ve worked hard to be able to do something I never thought I could, and it just means a lot to my wee little heart. Push yourself today... even if it’s to just take a walk or put an outfit on. You got this. 🖤💪🏻
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