I’m sober, so I’m gonna see if I can write a thread. OK, here it goes:

Y’all never gonna get rid of Trump.

You can carry on about him being treasonous and a liar and a narcissist and a pussy grabber and a horrible person, but he ain’t going nowhere.
You know why he’s there, right? Because white men, whether they’re rich or poor, really, really, really, really don’t like it when they’re in charge. Obama scared the fuck outta them & they’re working overtime to make sure that shit never happens again. It’s a sickness, really.
Then again, Trump is a stellar, on-the-nose representation of how sick white, male culture really is. I mean, he’s made it OK for white men (and, sadly, white women) to openly admit their deep-rooted prejudices and act like assholes in public.
Just look at all these videos of white people calling the cops on people of color for having fun, living their life, making a living. They honestly don’t care about how racist, horrible or self-entitled it makes them look. If our president can get away with it, why can’t we?
Trump has done everything humanly possible to show he’s a bad president (and a bad person), and it doesn’t matter. As long as white dudes still believe their country is being taken from them by niggers, wetbacks, homos and angry feminist lesbos, Trumps will run this place.
Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Republicans are starting to whisper in Don, Jr.’s ear about taking over the throne. (Ivanka seems smart, but she should just be pretty, shut up & let them come to her aid when a nasty woman calls her the c-word. And Eric is in Jeb territory now.)
So Trump proved Putin is his pimp (remember, a good hoe doesn’t speak up unless her pimp tells to) today, and y’all still mad? Even though it’s obvious Trump never had America’s interests at heart, that’s also never been the point. He’s just here to keep white folk happy.
(I guess I should say I don’t think all white people are like this. Just the ones who don’t wanna see shit change & are willing to fuck everything up so that won’t happen. All you white folk who watch ATLANTA and read Ta-Nehisi Coates & cried when Serena lost, y’all straight!)
I honestly don’t have the strength to be angry about this shit anymore, mainly because Trump is gonna be Trump. I currently live with a dim-witted asshole who, no matter how many times I’ve reprimanded him, keeps doing foul shit. Some people are gonna do what they want.
If you really wanna stop muhfuckas like him from representing you, you know what you gotta do: get a big-ass enema bottle and flush out this entire system. Keep voting in fine-ass Latinx socialists & other people of color. Say you’ll burn this muhfucka down unless you see change.
It’s gonna be hard; angry white folk will be there, tiki-torches in hand, fighting you every step of the way. But, gotdammit, don’t act like you can’t do it. Muhfuckas start riots whenever their basketball team wins the finals. Take that same energy & make whitey get in line.
Everybody — Blacks, woke whites, women, Latinx, LGBTQIA, pygmies, whatever the fuck — should stop acting like they’re the most oppressed group and come together to show this shit ain’t gonna fly anymore. It’s a new gotdamn world, white folk — stop acting like it’s all about you!
But until you can do that, you go sing your marching songs someplace else. Now we’re through talking.

(Yes, that was from SUPER FLY.)
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