Some things you can do during someone else's panic attack, a living thread:
1. Don't say:
- calm down
- just don't worry
- you're being ridiculous

Do say:
- I'm here
- this will pass
- you are safe
2. Distract. Show them photos of your dog. Ask them to tell you about what they last bought at the supermarket (if that doesn't help, tell them what you bought). Give them one of your sultanas.
3. Ground them. Ask them to tell you about their surroundings. What colour is the carpet? Can they hear the conversation in the street? How many people are on the tram? What time is it? What does the seat feel like?
4. Instead of SAYING "take a deep breath", HELP them take one. Show them how you do it. Say "can you breathe in time with me?"
5. Explain what you're doing: "I'm just going to make sure the windows are closed" or "I'm going to refill your water bottle".
6. Stay calm. Keep your voice level. Move and act normally. Everything is normal. No one is in danger.
7. Know the physical symptoms. There are myriad! Common ones are shortness of breath, chest pains, sweaty palms, dizziness or light-headedness (they're different), nausea, impending doom. Help to identify them if you can: "Remember you have chest pains when you're anxious."
8. Does this person have any relevant medication, or someone they should call? Details can be pretty taxing during a panic attack. Ask directly, or see if you can prompt them to remember (sometimes the latter is kinder to the ol' brain).
9. Change the environment if you can. Fresh air is usually good (but everyone is different). Splashing cold water on their own face can help. Turning on/off a light. Moving to a different room.
10. Something that helps me is to plan a way out if I need it. So: I could go to the end of this street and get the bus to X or I could get an uber from here and call the person I was supposed to meet from the car, etc. Once I've got a plan, I need it less.
Anyway just some ideas. I thought it might be good to add to a thread as they come up.
(cont.) I had a hideous panic attack last night. Totally dissociated, just screaming the house down. I kept shouting "I'm not okay!" and my boyfriend, instead of trying to convince me otherwise, said, "You WILL be okay." It was much easier to believe (and it was true).
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