Atheism: a thread.

I am a Christian now. I've been a Christian for most of my life. Minus about two years where I was a closeted atheist. So can I just talk to Christians for a moment about atheism?

The reasons that people choose atheism are as varied and nuanced as the reasons people choose religion. Making blanket statements about why people are atheists is ignorant and automatically dismisses the credibility of your arguments.

About arguments... If your goal is to actually convince an atheist your religion is true, arguments are a waste of time. Trust me, they've heard them. Relationships where you live your faith consistently are your strongest "argument".

That being said, your arguments on the internet can convince a person that religion really is the fairy tale inspired garbage that atheists think it is. Don't be a garbage person in the name of Jesus. This undermines your gospel.

I became an atheist for the following reasons:
The science of evolution is pretty strong and Christians were aggressively opposed to me even asking questions. (Is religion a house of cards we have to protect from questions?)
I had a family member who was assaulted by a pastor. Repeatedly. And then she was shamed when she told the truth, lost her job, and was lied about. It was devastating.

You can't argue a person about of that kind of pain. Don't. Even. Try.

Atheists are moral. They have purpose. They love people. They give to charity. Don't you dare paint them as less than that. It's a straw man and it's intellectually weak. Either demonstrate with your life that your Jesus is real or be quiet.

I was won back by a pastor who lived what he preached. I watched him like a hawk for those two years. He loved me consistently, regardless of how I treated him. He never once tried to argue me back to faith. But he did answer anything I asked.

I also owe a ton to @jaysondbradley. He let me say anything I needed to say, he had a ton of well thought-out ideas, he was honest about his own questions, he loved me. These two men are the reason I am where I am today.
Be that kind of Christian. Please.
Above all love. Love the atheists in your life, in your Twitter feed, on the public forums with you. Treat them with respect, dignity, and kindness. That is what Jesus would do. That, and only that, is what might convince them your religion is real.
It's what convinced me.
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