My friends I have had a good sleep, and I must caution you to always be wary of thoughts that you feel in a state of sleep deprivation. The world is bleak but there may yet be hope. I sometimes imagine I will just shut up, stop all this, but the truth is there is a fire in me
Fire! Cleansing fire! Fire to burn down cities, fire to decimate empires, fire to vaporize oceans! The “men” all around us are weak, they have no mastery of their bodies, and their souls have withered, tethered to a shambling corpse
When you attack their little world, when you try to shake them out of their complacency, their only response is to bite you, like a rodent. Why did you reach into my cage. I hope you brought lettuce
But their anger is itself a kind of shit test. When a man speaks with conviction, then other men will try to tear him down. What does he know? Where does he find the authority to say such audacious things? Just like a woman they must test him before they can submit
And the more cowardly he is in his soul, the more fiercely a man tests, the more certain he must be of your strength. If a glorious and worthy leader appeared before us today, told us the way out, showed us a higher way, this is how he would prove himself
This is the secret behind “disdain for authority” that the leftists paint on their faces like hunter gatherer tribes untouched by civilization. It is the weakness they feel, the fear that no leader will ever be strong enough to save them from themselves
If a truly great leader appeared, if a man could truly tell us the way to be, if he could preach a gospel of radiant power, most would gladly follow. But we see no leaders like that today. You would gladly be a sheep for the right shepherd, my friends. It would be so liberating
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