Nobody teaches trans girls about our periods. We just get these weird times where we're moody and crampy and sad and we don't know why and just chalk it up to another reason we're not good enough in life.

So, just so you all know: Trans. Girls. Get. Periods.
I absolutely love how much trans girls talking about the reality of their periods pisses transphobes off. It makes you feel so powerful! Really tho it's just that they're so weak. I mean, us existing is enough to upset them, so...
I love how, according to transphobes, a person regularly having all the symptoms of a period, save one, as a result of their natural cycle of hormone fluctuations, somehow doesn't count as a period. Anything to invalidate us. How fragile they are.
It is quite clear that what is going on in our bodies is the exact same thing minus one organ. Afab ppl's periods vary greatly. Some don't even get any real symptoms. Why should trans women's periods not count just because we lack one symptom?
The same ppl that don't want us to call it our periods also don't want us to call ourselves women. So, yknow, fuck those people. Own your period. Be proud of it. Just allowing yourself to acknowledge it for what it is can be so liberating.
Transphobes desperately need there to be a hard, immutable line between the sexes. They can't stand the idea that human physiology is largely plastic & interchangeable. If they did, they would have to own up to the shitty beliefs/treatments they have towards those they otherize.
I love that transphobes think we are making this up. You wanna know why I'm writing this tweet thread? Bc I've been laid up in bed all day with awful cramps that happen around the 10th of every month accompanied by emotional moodiness/fatigue/hunger. But I guess it's just fake.
Does it ever occur to these ppl that maybe, just MAYBE, hormones have similar effects on human bodies regardless of what sex they were assigned at birth? It's not like we're all made of the basic materials or anything...
Really this gets down to ppl wanting to think they're special & separate from nature. That humans more than chemical powered meat robots. Truly we are very complex meat robots, but we follow the same rules as every other biological/chemical entity.
Loving the ppl saying I must have some other medical issue. Yeah, trans girls all over the world experiencing period symptoms on a regular, monthly cycle all have some unrelated bowel condition. Sure.
Cis women who see the idea of trans periods as some kind of trivialization of/attack on their womanhood should realize that is not what is going on. Trans women are PAINFULLY aware of the difference between ourselves and our cisters. This is a source of solidarity, not division.
Yes, we are aware we have no uterus/ovaries. Yes, we know we can't get pregnant. But we DO experience these shared, regular symptoms as a result of of our hormonal cycles. How does that take away from you? How does that not give us increased commonality?
You do not need to have a uterus to experience these effects from hormones. And you do NOT need to experience these effects to be a woman. But these effects DO happen to some of us. That is DOCUMENTED. And no amount of saying "Nu uh!' can change that.
The entire point of writing this thread was me realizing that I'd been having these symptoms for a long time, but I didn't understand what was going on. I thought there was something wrong w/ me. Understanding my period changed my entire outlook on myself.
Just allowing myself to recognize my period for what it was helped me feel so much better about the regular cycle I had of feeling generally terrible each month. It was tied up with my eating disorder - the bloating, cramping, craving sweets - I chalked up to me just binging...
I just assumed bloating/cramping was from overeating (even if I wasn't overeating). Once I realized that it was just a natural thing my body did, I stopped shaming myself for feeling the way I did. It helped undo so much negative conditioning I had around my stomach & food.
Having a bloodless period practically renders it invisible - even if you have all the other symptoms. What results is many trans girls having a period each month but not understanding what is going on and just feeling bad about themselves as a result. I want to change that.
I hope every trans femme reading the "rebuttals" to these tweets feels validated by the fact that they all basically amount to either "Nu uh!" or some regurgitated inaccurate statement about uteruses that ignores the actual science behind cramps. These losers got nothing, girls.
I find it interesting that (cis) ppl seem to think that I am celebrating or making light of periods. I am not. I am simply acknowledging my own period and those of other trans ppl. And in that acknowledgement I am able to break free of previous negative feelings I once had.
Kinda flabbergasted that (cis) ppl have such a hard time understanding that other parts of the body besides the uterus are involved in period cramping. Yes, we are aware that the cramps we get are not our uteruses. They're just from ALL THE OTHER STUFF THAT CRAMPS ON YOUR PERIOD.
What can we expect from those who are still locked into a non-existent gender binary? They can't even conceive how someone lacking some essentialist criteria they were taught defines a woman could experience something similar to what they deem a woman to be?
I didn't feel like breaking this up into 2 tweets, so here ya fuckin go.
The main thing I have learned from this doing thread is that it does not matter how many trans ppl report something to be happening, and no matter much evidence there is to support that such a thing could happen, transphobes will, on principle, never believe it happens.
I'm gonna keep adding more tweets to this bc every tweet pisses off more transphobes.

All transphobes are insecure losers who are too caught up in their own emotional bs to self examine why they are so upset at the existence of trans ppl. I would feel sorry for them, but... nah.
Just checking in to Twitter to let everyone who is freaking out at the idea that hormones might give trans ppl analogous symptoms to a cis period know they no longer have to worry: Your moms have been called. They will pick you up shortly and will have a juice box ready.
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