Reposting this: Firstly, because the first photo is falsely attributed to the intentional slaugther of the bison in the US when, in fact, it was taken in what is now Regina, and lastly, to dispel a narrative that tribes were "over hunting"~ #101 stuff
This photo is Regina, Sask, 1878
Saskatoon Public Library Archives
The culling was done here, in what is now Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta. The last northern herd was wiped out in the 1860s. That sparked a conflict between the Cree and Blackfoot as the Cree had to push west to find the last herds. It was manifest genocide policy. #canada
Perhaps, the greatest myth is the settling of the Canadian west was more "peaceable" than in the United States. I'd argue it was worse. More disease, starvation and yes, war. Many cousins, who sought refuge south of the medicine line, are there still.
This is near the rail tracks in Saskatoon, 1890s. Just the skulls to be shipped to Montreal ports and then to London to make bone china. #learnyourfuckinghistory
Queen Anne Fine Bone China tea set c 1900
'Clearing the plains circa 1892' Saskatoon,
Saskatoon Public Library Archives
'Woman selling Bison horns at the train station, Saskatoon, 1909.'

'Cree/Métis family hired as bone pickers' ~ Saskatoon c 1905

Also, to add to @EricaVioletLee 's recommenadation on Tasha Hubbard's work, 'Buffalo Calling', there is Dana Claxton's 'Buffalo Bone China.' 1997
Dana Claxton's 'Buffalo Bone China.' 1997
During a debate on Indian policy, Conservative Prime Minister John A. Macdonald told the House of Commons that “the utter disappearance of the buffalo” was not a bad thing.“I am not at all sorry,” he stated, “that this has happened...
...So long as there was a hope that buffalo would come into the country, there was no means of inducing the Indians to settle down on their reserves.”
Dewdney referred to these Cree people as "a large number of worthless and lazy Indians, the concourse of malcontents and reckless Indians from all the bands in the Territories.”2
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