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Matthew Espinosa ; a aesthetic thread
#MatthewEspinosaDay @MatthewEspinosa
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- To this very special day, i did some aesthetics inspired by @MatthewEspinosa. The subtitles of the aes below are quotes that he put on his IG posts 👽 -

Enjoy, xx.
❝ Being annoying it’s part of my job of being the little brother. ❞
❝ Thank you so much vine for this app that changed my life, thank you for the memories. ❞
❝ Love life for the small things. ❞
❝ I’m grateful to be given an opportunity to show you in-depth of who I really am. ❞
Everytime someone asks me why i support "this guy named Matthew Espinosa", i have no issues to explain them how amazing and precious you are, and how proud I am about who you are.
After 4 years supporting you, i learn that we have to live our life the way we want to, weirdest as we want, colorful as we want to. We have to be ourselves.
Today, the only wish i have for you is: be yourself, always. Because we all love the true you, the way you really are.

Never forget that you are important and loved.
The Espinosas loves you so much. Happy 21th birthday, Matthew, I love you so so much 💙👽
You can follow @proudmadisonb.
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