This is a thread that includes links to well known watchdog groups. I’m going to share information that many have known of- but that needs some context. I’m asking interested parties to do some homework.
It was supposed to start out - we all know... thanks auto-wreck
Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow is part of the American Center for Law and Justice and it has a Russian arm- the Slavic Center for Law and Justice. It’s wacky to me that this isn’t front page news. I used to see Sekulow on the 700 Club as a ACLJ rep
Here is a link to tons of stories about the ACLJ from Human Rights Watch
Are we awake now?
Is your church part of one of these organizations? If so- why? And are you as an American Christian okay with this agenda?
While I am not questioning humanity’s embrace of the sacred or the divine - I can and will always question the agenda of man-made organizations who obviously hide their evil intent behind the Robe and Crown of Christ.
Apparently there has been a deep & abiding relationship with the ROC & American Evangelicals since 1995- that blossomed into something quite large in 1997. What I saw was disturbing in its own right but given the context of our country’s struggles today - made it more disturbing
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