🌲BalticOdinnOrtho🌲: [after listening to every Mountain Goats song about family and taking exactly the wrong message from it] I need a family of my own. I need to ensure the future of our people, I don't care if I just continue the cycle of abuse and end up losing everything
sovietcatlady: y'know I'm comfortable with my pets, I don't think I really need children.
sovietcatladypriv🔒: confession: I was abused and I don't trust myself to really be able to break that cycle, so I'm choosing not to have kids for their own sake
traditio_sacro: [quoting sovietcatlady] this is the decadence of our declining civilisation right before our eyes. We must encourage pro-family policies and teach people to have children of their own.
sacro_traditio🔒: my parents neglected me as a kid and i hate them for it. they never did, well, anything with me. they asked me how i was doing like once a month. i'm going to be involved in my children's lives. i'm going to show them guidance.
cutiepietrap~: idea: don't police trans people for how we choose to express ourselves. even if you don't fell comfortable with terms yourself, other people may have their reasons!!
edgyb1tch💣: uhh fuck off and stop hurting the rest of us??? your actions aren't in a vacuum lmao
notsocutiepie🔒: i'm sorry. i'm constantly getting invalidated and i'm fully closeted irl. nobody i know cares about my dysphoria. i just want to feel cute online.
sadb1tch🔒: everyone wants to exploit me. even online everyone's a chaser. i hate being seen as a sex object ._.
insertironicjoke🔒: I have a hard time being open about things, so I end up using humour as a coping tool. If I can make my issues funny, the pain goes away a little. It's a little alienating when people don't get that, but my friends do and I'm glad they support me.
🌲BalticOdinnOrtho🌲: I don't know. I really don't. I think I'm gonna just log off for the night.
good night, friends.

🎶and I hope I lie
and tell everyone you were a good wife
and I hope I die
I hope we both die...🎵
TANKS4nuthin☭: God I fucking hate anarchists. None of them understand the work we do. They're all fucking ungrateful for actual socialist work.
smashupabank🏴: Fucking red fascist tankies sitting on their asses defending ~socialist cops~ while we break ppl out of prison. Fuck em
tanks4ventin🔒: nothing will make up for what i've done. nothing. i can't hide. i deserve to die from guilt. i need a strong authority.
privatesmashup🔒: nothing will make up for what i've done. nothing. i can't hide. i deserve to die from guilt. i need an escape plan.
what began as an irony bit but turned into introspective psychodrama
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