Yesterday I had a pointless discussion with TRAs who couldn't understand why any study on transgender people that doesn't account for homosexuality as a variable is flawed. It's because whenever it is accounted for, this happens 👇
This study was reported in the media under such headlines as "Transgender people’s brain activity matches gender identity, not biological sex". Study wasn't linked, and unless you have access to PubMed and the original journal, you won't be able to read it. However
When you do get to read the article, one thing immediately jumps out:
"Most transgirls and all adolescent cisgender girls were androphilic and all transboys and adolescent cisgender boys reported to be gynephilic".
Here's screencaps of the study
Also, there was no difference found in pre-pubertal chuldren and adolescents were on puberty blockers. Here's what the author of the study said about this, to Miranda Yardley
If we look at another study by the same author (which was likewise reported in the media as the one described above) we see the same issue crop up again!po=38.5714
Here's a further discussion of these kinds of studies, and why the results don't justify the conclusions, by Matthew
Here's another good article which discusses how our preexisting biases influence the way neuroresearch is understood
In summary
Ok, I'm being facetious. Some of these studies are of abysmal quality, but others reveal interesting results. However, what makes them đź’© is shoehorning gender ideology into conclusions, and overlooking significant other factors that could explain results. This is bad science.
In any case, I'm tired of disrespectful TRAs who don't even understand the meaning of terms such as "concluding factor" or "flawed methodology" and who are unable to critically appraise medical research, arguing with me over this. Demanding my time.
Ignoring everything I say and demanding that I provide them with more studies they won't understand, more examples they'll use to keep shifting goalpoasts, and pretending that burden lf proof is still on me. It's demented. Entitled. "Feed me more, so I can vomit it up, MORE!"
These kids are both ignorant and brainwashed into believing the gender identity claptrap. Their lack of skill in understanding scientific papers allows them to easily fall for the erroneous explanations, and to dismiss everything that doesn't validate their world view.
In that sense, they are no different to flat Earthers or any other idologically indoctrinated group that's simultaneously completely scientifically ignorant as well as convinced they can argue with scientists on equal footing.
This makes them excellent foot soldiers who will promote false conclusions and poor quality, ideologically coloured research, and with their aggressive ignorance and ample presence on social media, hopefully drown voices that question the validity of these claims.
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