I dedicate this thread to my future kid (whom I hope would never move beyond the boundaries of hypothesis)....
1- Do not take anyone's advice for granted, not even mine. Listen but don't follow. Consider but don't believe.
2- Be kind to the monsters, especially the ones you harbor inside.
3- Bear no grudges; you are only making your heart heavier.
4- Always entertain doubt. Make it a permanent companion to your most ardent beliefs.
5- Your faith is only relevant to you. If you believe in a god, make him your own. And if you don't, find your own.
6- Devour knowledge in any form you heart desires, be it artistic, philosophical or scientific. It's your only way out of reality's trap.
7- كتاكيتو أحسن حاجة عملها الشمعدان.
8- Seek pleasure. Don't make anyone make you feel guilty about it. But never underestimate the build-up; it's an integral part of the climax.
9- Argue with neither the obstinate nor the stupid.
10- I hope you always fall in love, but don't entertain jealousy.. never allow it into your heart. Understand that the people you love are not your own and never will they be.
11- Cultivate your ability to daydream. Daydreams are the antidote to life's disappointments.
12- And speaking of disappointments, bear in mind that everything is better in your head so don't get your hopes too high.
13- Try exotic foods! They refine your taste and increase your tolerance.
14- Don't judge unless you're asked to, then you have to consult both heart and mind. And know, my dear, that whatever judgment you reach is a reflection of your own self.
15- Before you complain about how certain people treat you badly, ask yourself why. It could be anything but a predetermintion to hurt you.
16- Don't seek validation before you voice your opinion. Say yes even if the entire world says no, and say no even if the entire world says yes.
17- People can see your passion but they'll never understand it. Don't force it.
18- ساندوتشات الجبنة الرومي بتاعتك في درج التلاجة.
19- You are not a rock. There's nothing wrong with changing your opinion.. this means you're growing.
20- When I get old and dependant, don't listen to my sentimental ranting. Don't allow yourself to get emotionally blackmailed by my senile neediness. Let go of me and be on your way. I forgive you.
21- As u grow older,u'll discover that what everyone has been telling you about strangers is wrong. Despite the uninviting facade, they're just some desperate souls in dire need of one true moment of communication. Approach them. Strike up heart-to-heart conversations with them.
22- If you waste your time trying to impress someone, you'll end up failing both yourself and that person. Better work on impressing yourself and pushing your own limits, and remember that beauty doesn't call for attention.
23- Never deny yourself the time to grieve. Grief is heavy, I know, but it can turn into a monster if not given enough time and attention. Allow it to sink in and embrace every painful emotion it has to offer. Listen.
24- One day you'll come to realize that you can't force change upon yourself. Change is an urge that forces itself on you.
25- Know that those who come to you for advice have already made up their minds and they only need to hear their timid decisions affirmed. Be gentle.
26- Do not fear the things you immediately fall for because you will fall out as fast as you've fallen in and your infatuation will soon be over. Do fear though the things that slowly and non-saliently grow on you for they are the most dangerous.
27- أنت أحسن من ابن خالتك.
28- If you have empathy, you have the world.
29- Don't be cruel like me. Sometimes when people ask you the simple "how are you?" all they really need is somebody asking them the same question, even if it's prescribed by the heartless pretense of social niceties.
30- Don't fret about not having a plan B. Sometimes the best experiences are born out of failed plans.
31- Dignity before love.. before tolerance.. before clemency. Because if you don't have enough respect for yourself, nobody will for you.
Dignity is first and foremost.
32- Life will not always give you what you want, and this will truly break your heart. But don't let your frustration turn into anger.. don't take it out on others; understand that it's nobody's fault.
If you want to get back at life, be kind not angry.
33- No matter how many friends you have, no matter how much your loved ones care for you, always remember that at the end of the day you have no one but yourself. Loneliness hurts, but it is the only thing that is nearly as certain as death.
34- I hope you never get to beg for affection from the ones you love.
35- If you have to hate, try to hate actions, not people.
36- I swear I tried.
37- We can all be kind to the ones we love, but the true test of compassion lies in our ability to be kind to the ones we hate and those who have caused us pain.

I failed, but I hope you'd have a heart bigger than mine.
38- I hope you'd become somebody's most favorite person. I hope your presence would be missed, your words cherished, your pain felt. I hope you'd find an embrace in which you can lose your tired self at the end of the day.
And I hope this all happens before your heart wears out.
39- Don't blame people or hold them accountable for your feelings towards them.
40- May your heart never break.
May your heart never break.
May your heart never break.
Because nobody deserves to feel this pain.
41- Distinguish between belief and truth. Just because you believe in something does not make it true.
42- سخن العيش في فرن البوتاجاز مش في المايكروويف.
43- I hope you would never have to choose between being kind to yourself and being kind to others.
Just remember that sometimes putting yourself before others is not necessarily a selfish act; being kind to yourself can be the greatest gift you can give to the people around you.
44- Being able to distinguish between your mistakes and others' is the kind of wisdom I wish you'd acquire.
Don't punish yourself for other people's mistakes and don't punish other people for your mistakes.
45- We all need make-believe stories to live by; choose yours carefully and wisely.
And always remember that you're larger than your story. Don't create a narrative then surrender your agency to it.
46- The greatness of the sacrifices you make lies in their relevance to your loved ones' needs.

What would they do with your kidney if all they needed was a hug?
47- Your greatest lifelong challenge is to understand yourself. Do not underestimate it; it is like trying to figure out how an oven works while sticking your head inside.. with the heat on.
48- Nothing will ever make sense if all you care about is defining yourself by how much you make sense to others.
49- Don't try to restage your happiest moments. This can never be done. Try to understand you were happy then because of the miniscule details which can never be recreated.
Look forward to new kinds of happiness though.. stop comparing and let go of the past.
50- Life owes you nothing. People owe you nothing. Be good because kindness is an end not a means to something else.
51- Don't ask people questions you know Google can answer.
52- Nobody will ever love you the way you want to be loved.
But I hope you encounter those who try, and I hope you're wise enough to feel the genuine passion behind their endeavors.
53- ماتقعدش بالفانلة قدام المروحة.
54- Before you drop your defenses and say/do anything foolish, make sure it's mutual love that you're after.. not just an assurance that you're still worthy of being loved.
55- Before you call yourself kind, make sure that your kindness is genuine and not just a convenient mask to hide your weakness.
56- NEVER overstay your welcome; people who still want you in their lives would make it clear enough.
57- Always be prepared for disappointments lurking around every corner.. in an extra spoonful of sugar in your morning coffee, a lame plot twist in a promising movie, the awkward silence in a long-awaited conversation, the unfulfilling touch of a body you craved for so long.
58- Most of those who will love you will eventually end up either hating you or losing interest.
Not because they're bad people, and not because you're a bad person; they will just fall victims to their imagination and expectations.
And so will you.
59- أشتري هدومك مقاسين أكبر من مقاسك.
60- Never feel apologetic about the things you love no matter how simple and unsophisticated they are. Love requires no explanation.. and unless people can look into your heart, don't be pressured to give one.
61- "All eventually disappoint."
62- All relationships come with an expiry date. It's up to you to choose the ones you want to slowly intoxicate your system with.
63- Don't break other people's hearts in your attempts to fix yours. Be careful.
64- I've lied so many times.. out of fear, embarrassment & helplessness, but none of these flimsy reasons would make sense to the people I've lied to. And every time I lie, I grow heavier with self-loathing to utter an overdue meaningless apology.

I wish you'd never have to lie.
65- Watching things/people around you change can be upsetting, but what's truly unsettling is watching yourself change.. how you slowly let go of things you were once certain would never let go of, and how you start desiring things you were once certain would never desire.
66- It doesn't matter whether you run or walk, march or dance; we are all footprints in the sand, eventually washed away by the persistent waves.
Tread lightly.
67- كشري البيت أحلى من كشري الشارع.
68- Don't believe what people say; no one is unforgettable. But know that every time you gut someone out of you, you lose part of yourself in the process.

We cling to people because we foolishly want to keep ourselves whole.
69- And if you can't find someone to cherish all that love you have in your heart, unburden yourself and leave your heart by the roadside for love-starved strangers.

Isn't that, after all, what artists do?
70- No one - myself included - will love you unconditionally.

But the show must go on.
71- Fear, if not properly expressed in words, is the raw material of anger.
72- Self-expression is the perpetual state of being lost in translation. You have to accept that certain parts of yourself make sense only to you.

Your pleasure is not in the fidelity; it's in the chase.
73- Life is a minefield; every step in any direction is a possible failure.
The moment you cocksurely think you know your way, it blows up in your face.

This is not to warn you of life; it's to warn you of yourself.
74- More years don't mean less mistakes.
We learn from our mistakes, but we always find a way to make new ones.
75- Remember that favorite song of yours you thought you'd never stop listening to?

Well, dear, this is how it goes with everything else.
76- Read to your loved one in bed. Let the intimacy of a well-told story enthrall their heart and mind..
And while you hold them close to your body, seduce them with your voice.. and let the words do the rest.
77- Being aware of the deception doesn't necessarily mean you'd stop being deceived, just like knowing you're under a spell doesn't dispel the spell's effect.
78- When you truly see everybody, you cease to exist..
The same way an omniscient narrator's presence is glossed over by the sheer magnitude of their perspective.
79- When you suddenly find yourself in a dark place, don't fumble around frantically searching for the light. Stay still until your eyes adjust to the darkness; only then would you see the light in the most unexpected of places.
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