Astrology Synastry Lesson:

Imagine that a woman, Kay, has her Moon, Mercury and Pluto in a a married man’s 12th house.

This man’s wife, Bella, has her Moon in his 2nd, her Venus in his 7th and her Pluto in his 1st.

This married man, Joe, has been seeing Kay on the side
Joe and Bella have a great relationship. So why is it that he is so drawn to Kay? What makes him go out to her, although there are no problems with his wife?
Joe is a quiet guy, and he doesn’t express his feelings very well. It took Bella a long time before she was able to get him to open up. He also has subconscious trauma that his wife doesn’t understand. She’s supportive, but Joe’s inner turmoil kind of eludes her.
However.. with Kay, she seems to really just *get* Joe. There’s just something about her that screams understanding. This enthralls Joe, who gave in to Kay’s mental seduction.
Eventually, Bella finds out about Joe’s infidelity. She’s angry, but she wants to work her marriage out.

However, Joe knows that he will not be able to leave Kay alone. He tells Bella that he is in love with her, and wishes to be with her.
Bella wonders what in the hell does this woman have that Bella does not? What could she possibly have done that would make Joe leave her? After all, Kay is plain looking, has a boring 9-5 as a dental assistant, and even has an older son! What magic did she work on her husband?
The truth is, Kay didn’t work any kind of magic. There is nothing special that she did or any strings that she pulled. In fact, she wasn’t vying for Joe to leave his wife. It was him who made the decision to not be without her.
What’s really happening is that Kay’s planetary stellium is hitting Joe’s 12th house, a place his wife couldn’t reach. The 12th house is the subconscious, the deepest fears and desires, the dark side. The side that only a select few will get to see of you.
When your planets (Kay) fall into anyone’s house (Joe), it’s typically the house person who feels the energy stemming from the planet person to the matters of that particular house.
With Kay’s Moon in Joe’s 12th house, she understands Joe intuitively. They need no words. He doesn’t need to express the feelings that he already doesn’t understand himself. This was profound for Joe, who has trouble relating his innermost self to his wife
With Kay’s Mercury in Joe’s 12th - Joe is like a glass window to Kay. She can see right through him. This Synastry overlay is highly intuitive, and Kay is able to pick up on his conscious thoughts a lot of the time. His shy demeanor appreciates this subliminal communication
Lastly, Kay’s Pluto is also in his 12th house. Kay is helping to transform Joe from the inside out. She is helping to destroy his fears and old trauma, and help him rise up again reborn. This is the nature of Pluto. Joe is experiencing someone who is making him face his inner
-most self.
So why couldn’t Bella do this?

Bella’s Moon falls in Joe’s 2nd, so he trusts her, for sure. But remember it was hard for him to get it all out.
Bella’s Venus is in his 7th house. Here, Joe sees Bella as an ideal mate. Beautiful & worthy of showing off. It adds to any love connection. However this isn’t reminiscent of having a lover’s Moon placed here, in which the house person will see them as a life partner.
And finally, Bella’s Pluto is in Joe’s first house. Joe is deeply drawn to Bella, and at one point she definetly had a hold on him.
The problem was that for a man like Joe, who is reserved and doesn’t express his feelings well, he needed a partner with whom he didn’t need words with, one who understood him at a core level. Now, Joe is more expressive with Kay than he ever was with Bella -
- Because she transformed him from the inside (Pluto).

And now what we have left is a broken marriage and a woman who never saw this coming.
These things happen in real life. You wonder what the other man or woman has that you don’t, because it’s obviously not status or material things. Sadly, people meet other people who real life penetrate them on the INSIDE, no pun intended.
Princess Diana’s ex-husband Charles cheating on her with Camilla is a prime example of such a phenomenon. Camilla and Charles are still together to this day

Your partner meeting someone else who makes them feel completely different than you do does not always mean they will cheat. Joe could’ve mustered up the willpower to stay faithful to his wife, as can all of us.
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