I watched the first episode of Yellowstone last night. I didn't hate it. Costner was doing some real grizzled Costner stuff, but other than that it was fine. It was fine.
Yellowstone Update: Watched Episode 2. Kevin Costner cremated his dead son so as not to incriminate his other son in a murder. Cole Hauser took his lady out on a date to a park to watch wolves eat an elk and then he went to blow up a forensics lab. Nothing not to like here.
Yellowstone Update: Episode 3. Kevin Costner's daughter takes a bath in a horse trough and then decides to run for the Senate. His grandson kicks a damn rattlesnake to death. Costner falls asleep in the barn. A really full episode this week.
Yellowstone Update: Episode 4. Kevin Costner has cancer and is also a negligent babysitter. Costner's daughter lure's a horny real estate developer into a honky tonk only to have him beat up by the locals. Another 5 star episode.
Yellowstone ( @yellowstone_tv) Update: Episode 5. Country singer Ryan Bingham joins the ranch after doing time for manslaughter. Kevin Costner's son Kayce needs a lawyer after killing a couple more people. Costner's daughter Beth gets day drunk and needs a ride home. A+ episode
Yellowstone ( @yellowstone_tv) Update: Episode 6. Costner's son Kayce tries to fight a bear and Cole Hauser. Neither works out well. Costner's other son Jamie has amazing hair, is also running for Attorney General. Beth is pissed again. Kayce's wife may be dead. Another gem.
Yellowstone ( @yellowstone_tv) Update: Episode 7. Kayce's wife is out of a coma. Ryan Bingham teaches Beth to ride a horse. Cole Hauser watches two Asian tourists fall off a cliff then kills a grizzly bear. Kevin Costner is probably dying. Another action-packed episode!
Yellowstone ( @yellowstone_tv) Update: Episode 8. Cole Hauser meets a Wildlife and Fisheries officer and watches her get impaled by a fence post. Beth gets a housewife drunk and pantless. Jamie and Kevin Costner have a fist fight. Really steering head-on into the season finale!
Yellowstone ( @yellowstone_tv: Update: Season Finale: Kevin Costner is losing control. Cole Hauser moves a stripper into the bunkhouse. Beth and Ryan Bingham hook up outside of a barn. Jamie is a snitch and Kayce kills a drifter and hangs a real estate developer. Season 1 fin!
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Premier: Beth is setting up a real estate pyramid scheme. Rip and Kayce turn a bull loose inside a bar and then beat up the patrons. Kevin Costner ruptures a stomach ulcer while watching cows be inseminated. Its good to be back in the saddle!
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 2: Kevin Costner defies doctor's orders. Rip tries to kill Ryan Bingham with a horse. Kayce later beats Rip up to show dominance. The episode ends with Kevin Costner taking a swimming lesson. Season 2 just settling into a groove right now.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 3: Kevin Costner and the Governor of Montana get wine drunk and make out on a couch. Buck Compton from Band of Brothers shows up to start trouble for a new Indian Casino development. The Duttons have a grilled octopus for dinner. Stellar episode.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 4: Somebody poisons all of Kevin Costner's cows. Beth involves the ranch in some dodgy investment schemes and then stabs Jamie with a knife under the dinner table. The episode ends with Ryan Bingham wielding a blow torch. Strong week per usual.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 5: Jimmy the ranch hand is in debt so he tries dressage to make extra money. Kayce tells Kevin Costner he committed war crimes over drinks. Jamie remains worthless and gets beat up by Beth. Feels like we are really building to something here.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 6: Jimmy finds out what a "buckle bunny" is while competing in a local rodeo. Jamie kills a reporter. Rip tries to frame Ryan Bingham for the murder. The episode ends with Kevin Costner field dressing a deer. Lotta blood on everyone's hands this week.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 7: Jamie tries to commit suicide but ends up playing Texas Holdem instead. Beth threatens the Beck brothers with a story about giving a handjob in church. Later, Rip takes a bullet while rescuing Beth from assassins. Action packed episode this week!
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 8:Beth drinks a smoothie while Kevin Costner decides to subtly kill the Beck brothers by shooting their plane down. Monica attends an Indian rap concert. The casino construction halts after someone shoots a security guard. The tension build is palpable.
And Im seeing the show giving out all this free swag to people. How the #1 Twitter recap of @Yellowstone doesnt get his beak wet is beyond me.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Ep. 9. Rip and Kayce blow up a trailer park meth lab. Racial profiling leads to Beth making a store owner strip down to her Spanx. Jamie is someone's baby daddy. Kevin Costner's negligent babysitting leads to a kidnapping. Heady stuff as usual.
. @Yellowstone Season 2 Finale: Kayce kills one Beck brother on the shitter. Rip comes in to an unexpected inheritance. Kevin Costner raids a right wing militia that kidnapped his grandson. He shoots Malcolm Beck, who was there for some reason, in the process. Wild season ender.
. @Yellowstone S3 Ep1: John Dutton quits his day job. Beth exchanges pleasantries with Sawyer from Lost while standing in a river. Kayce’s wife remains a huge buzzkill. John, historically negligent babysitter, takes his grandson camping. Back in the saddle for another season!
. @Yellowstone S3 Ep 2: Rip makes a Continental breakfast. Kayce let’s a wolf watch he and his wife have sex in the woods. A Livestock Commission agent murders two guys using a horse trailer and some wreckless driving. Feels like the season is just getting warmed up!
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