First up...Lyric Albert. Honestly, overall an amazing person, Now, she can get a little feisty and sometimes you may want to dog her but sheā€™s the type of person you just like automatically like there is absolutely no reasons to dislike her.
Julius Edgerson...He didnā€™t get the credit he deserved. He honestly was the reason THS was fun our last year. And he organized the walkout! He can be a little judgmental and you may not like him your first go around but overall heā€™s another person you have no reason to dislike.
Derrick Walker...overall a genuine person, extremely unproblematic/problematic and sometimes has a way of being too honest but besides that heā€™s a cool dude. He deserves every blessing that comes his way.
Jordan Redding, this has been my girl since 5th grade! You will love her first go around sheā€™s really nice and is an amazing conversation starter. She may come off snobbish but itā€™s easy to look past it. I love me some Jordan.
Cameron Harris...honestly you are not going to like Cameron when you first meet him because heā€™s Cameron but overall when you get to know him heā€™s really an honest person and heā€™s never had a moment where heā€™s been a ā€œsnake. Overall...heā€™s good person and proves himself.
Leroy Fitzgerald, Leroy is a person when you first meet him youā€™re gonna get a mixed reaction you might not like him you might like him. Overall heā€™s an extremely talented b-ball player, heā€™s very humble and he IS EXTREMELY UNPROBLEMATIC! He minds his business.
Brandon Walker, when you meet him youā€™re gonna like him. Super unproblematic, minds his business, humble, NO HAS EVER WANTED TO FIGHT OR ARGUE WITH HIM BECAUSE HE IS A CHILL PERSON! When you meet him there is absolutely no reason to dislike him.
Isaiah Dubois another person who you have no reason to dislike. When you get to know him you may want to choke him a few times because heā€™s so annoying but overall a really cool person and actually really nice as a person. Iā€™ve never witnessed him being mean to anyone.
Trent Gray, once again...unproblematic, he CAN be a little rude but not too extreme overall really quiet, speaks when he is spoken too, and is super humble. Youā€™ll like him when you first meet him. And yet again you have no reason to dislike him.
Parker, Letā€™s be honest. Parker is mean as fuck, problematic as fuck, AND FUNNY AS FUCK, overall heā€™s a cool person. You might not like him first time you might will...when you get to know him, Parker is a great person.
Ben Trevino, heā€™s aggressive as fuck, mean as fuck, and he judges with his eyes. Overall, heā€™s actually really cool, he may come off arrogant but thatā€™s not the case. HE IS the ONLY person I will NEVER fight because he be dogging me and he can fight.
Ethan Bernhard, when I met him I didnā€™t like him and you all probably wonā€™t. He can come off stuck up and he holds this certain look about him that shows heā€™s smarter then you...but, overall heā€™s a focused person and he has his shit together. He will do great things in life.
Matt Mickovic, ONE OF THE MOST UNPROBLEMATIC PEOPLE EVER! Heā€™s so positive, never rude, humble. When you meet him youā€™ll like him. Overall, heā€™s a great person. If anyone ever disrespects Matt you deserve to choke.
Natalie Riggi, this is my Auntie. I love this girl! Now, letā€™s be honest Auntie will talk your ear off, and she know she loud but overall sheā€™s so nice, genuine, and will do great things at Kent!
Kate Horvath, if you slander her name you deserve to choke. No one can say a mean thing about Kate. Now, letā€™s be honest she probably will drive a Chevy Tahoe when sheā€™s a mom and replace French fries with Apple bites in the kids meals at fast food restaurants but we love her
Trinity Denholm, if Trinity ever said ā€œEmmanuel, hand me a pencilā€ Iā€™d say ā€œYes maā€™amā€ because sheā€™s such a motherly figure. Overall sheā€™s so nice, honest, can dress and knows how to set the record straight.
Sam Magyar, Now...Black twitter cancelled her and trust me sheā€™s still cancelled but I donā€™t hold grudges. When you first meet Sam you probably will have an opinion on her positive or negative. She can come off rude but overall sheā€™s actually a really educated women.
Jordan AND Hannah...THESE TWO RIGHT HERE...words canā€™t even express how much these niggas mean to me. You slander them...Prepare for the wrath of God.
Matt Kennicut, overall I believe if he wasnā€™t weird he would be a cool dude. Overall, I donā€™t really talk to him for a good reason but heā€™s weird and cringy.
Annaiya Ruffin, gorgeous and an extremely talented volleyball player but girl I swear she be walking out the front door backwards she is about dumb as box of rocks. She will ask question about a question she just asked.
Blair Harney, beautiful human being, another person who got her shit together but donā€™t tell her none of your business because that shit will be on CNN the next day. But, she was definitely a plug for THS students who struggled in Wittings class. I love blair.
Lexi Hill, now if you go to THS you know who she is...sheā€™s aggressive as fuck, loud as fuck and FUNNY AS FUCK, when you get to know her she is honestly a really good person, she holds grudges but overall she will have you on the floor in tears!
Amanda Ervin, Iā€™m going to be honest...this female is mean. mean as a junkyard dog and she can be stuck up but overall sheā€™s really sweet when YOU BECOME HER FRIEND. Sheā€™s another really honest person and never has had a fake mentality.
Tamia Taylor, probably one of the most funniest females ever. Sheā€™s really nice, has a resting bitch face but when you talk to her she lightens up. Donā€™t get me wrong...Tamia is a little rude but overall sheā€™s amazing
Kareema Savitt, she is mean and likes to act bougie because her parents make BANK (which I ainā€™t mad at) from my experiences...Kareema is such a giver, sheā€™s brutally honest, and she has never been fake. But, donā€™t tell her your business cause it will be on Goodmorning America
Hope Harris, this female is rude, shy, and annoying. You say Goodmorning youā€™re gonna get a ā€œOkay and?ā€ But this female is talented on the drawing side. She is going to do great things with her life and her paintings and designing.
Brian Bartolommeo, probably one of the most positive people ever, he may drive like he got his license out the gumball machine but overall extremely unproblematic and there is no reason to dislike him.
Emma Prochaska, I believe God created her from snow, cinnamon and smart water. This female is beautiful. Now, from me knowing her she can be feisty and a little sensitive but sheā€™s caring, a talented dancer and Arizona will treat her well.
Emmanuel Rudolph, sexy as fuck, point. blank. period.
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