American culture is basically sex exploitation, drug addictions, school shootings, obesity, insurmountable debts, workaholism, homelessness, police brutality, celebrity worship disorder, cancerous reality shows, brainwashing music and film industries, immorality, & materialism.
America is routinely the most expensive place to buy healthcare leaving 27 million people without access to health insurance. Imagine dying for curable disease like diabetes and appendicitis because you can’t afford treatment. No wonder the US ranked last in life expectancy.
America, once known as “the nation of immigrants,” now a nation that encages their children. Undocumented people in the states are treated like animals.
If you’ve lived in the states then you know for a fact that the notion of America as a melting pot is a facade. Multiculturalism is not a pillar in American society, cultural narcissism and systematic racism, however, is.
No, these photos weren’t taken in a third-world country.

Outside the American dream of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - 48 million Americans live below the poverty line.
In America, addictions aren’t foreign to the youth. Video Game Disorder has been recognized as a mental health disorder by the American psychological association. These statistics are painful.
70 percent of America is FAT.
Why is it so hard for obese people to lose weight despite the social stigma and health consequences - even though they have an intense desire to lose weight? It is not because they WANT to be fat. It is bc FOOD IN THE US IS BIOLOGICALLY ADDICTIVE!!
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