I actually think all drugs should be legalized bc I don’t believe the government has the right to tell us what kind of drugs we should be able to put in OUR bodies. Also countries that have decriminalized drug usage have seen lower rates of hard drugs being used
Big Pharma is allowed to pump out pills by the millions leading to heroin addiction like we’ve never seen before but those drugs are okay if they’re for “medical purposes”

Meanwhile drs find any&every “medical purpose” to prescribe pills bc they get kickback$ from Big Pharma
If Big Pharma thugs are allowed to dictate what drugs should be used for medical issues, there’s absolutely NO reason I shouldn’t be allowed to choose what drug I want to use to help with mine
Not to mention the fact that the drugs pushed by Big Pharma are MAN MADE & many have side effects that are worse than what the drug was intended to treat

Yet natural ones like marijuana, peyote, ayahuasca, DMT & mushrooms are illegal bc the govt says they’re bad for you 🤔🤔🤔
Fuck you Big Pharma & an even bigger fuck you to Big Brother for legislating what I can & can’t put into MY body

I am not the property of the govt & I refuse to accept their bullshit laws that say otherwise

I do what I want, when I want with MY body & no law will stop that
Not to mention the fact that most of the drugs like cocaine and crack were put on the streets BY THE SAME GOVT THAT MADE THEM ILLEGAL

Example: Iran-Contra scandal

Y’all think that shit ended? Lmao no... they’re just better at hiding it now 😉
You think it’s just a coincidence that Afghan opium production SKYROCKETED after 9/11?

After the Iran-Contra scandal, govt drug dealers realized they could make way more $ by putting on suits&becoming Big Pharma execs, working for them or accepting their $ in campaign donations
They’ve become enabled by a system that caters to Big Pharma & all of its cronies under the guise of “medical care”

Suck a donkeys hoof if you actually believe the people at the top of the Big Pharma system give a FUCK about us commoners and plebeians. They only care abt our $
So if I wanna smoke some pot, eat a few shrooms or take a hit of LSD every now and then,

I will.

Bc I can.

Bc it’s my body and not theirs.

K rant over 🙃
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