Today in Prof. Checkoway learns home repair, I helped install two air conditioning window units, changed the direction the fridge door opens (which took an 8 mm nut driver, a T20, a Phillips head driver and my drill), replaced a faucet spray head, and tightened a cabinet hinge.
Today in Prof. Checkoway learns home repair, I discovered that you can bypass a broken washing machine lid switch by shorting the switch. I also learned that the 28 AWG hookup wire I use for TTL signals is too small and will catch fire when used for this application.
Today in Prof. Checkoway learns home repair, I reinstalled a refrigerator the delivery guys screwed up after finding a missing nut in my driveway. The nut was key to the doors opening properly.
Yesterday in Professor Checkoway learns home repair, I learned how to cut copper tubing and install a ferrule when connecting a water line to a refrigerator. (Turns out the delivery guys did literally nothing right.)
Today in Professor Checkoway learns home repair, I installed several GFCI receptacles and a light switch. My kingdom for wiring from this millennium.
Today in Professor Checkoway learns home repair, I learned not to wear a work shirt while repairing my home (or possibly to watch where I’m walking).
Today in Professor Checkoway learns home repair, I learned how to attach a downspout to a brick wall. I also learned why my father-in-law, the Internet, the hardware store woman, and a random contractor in the store (in that order) said to use a hammer drill.
I was up there with a auger first, trying to clean out the elbows. When that failed, I detached the elbows to discover an ancient tennis ball and a kilogram of dirt and leaves. During reassembly, I knocked the whole downspout off the wall. The concrete anchor heads broke off.
One trip to the hardware store later (that’s right, only a one trip job), I drilled some new holes and attached the brackets. Much easier than I thought it would be. But next time, I’m buying a hammer drill.
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