Everyone says Aries are hot heads. Which is true. They get pissed IMMEDIATELY but they usually try to hold it in first but that doesn’t last long. Lol
ONE OF THE WORST TEMPERS. The bull is hot headed but it’s usually a build up. They get offended easily by little shit but they don’t go off until s lot of little shit accumulates and they finally go off it looks like an overreaction.
The air sign with the biggest anger issue. Their temper is explosive but short lasted. After something can actually get under their skin (they brush a lot off) they blow up and then their anger cools off and they’ll act like nothing happened. Makes them look like psychos
The DANGEROUS temper. Cancers commit the most crimes of passion. Their anger is in the moment and they can’t see past it. They’ll act out of their anger and won’t see or hear anything outside of what pissed them off.
MELODRAMATIC temper. Leo is the pissy temper. They throw fits. This will either be a full out fit with or a silent treatment fit. Either way, EVERYBODY in their vicinity has to know they’re in their feelings.
The RECKLESS temper. Once Virgo actually doesn’t give a fuck they’re going off. And they’re going to do everything they thought about doing the 72828292 times they held their temper in because they were thinking about the outcome of said actions.
The CRAZY temper. You can’t predict when libra decides to go off. They’ll be logical about what pisses them off and seem “ok” until the pressure builds over time. After that they’ll fly off the handle and everybody will be looking like “wtf just happened”
The MALICIOUS temper. When Scorpio gets pissed you won’t know it until they can make whoever PAY for their actions. This can be through a petty “fuck you” when you need their help or after you find out they fucked your best friend or got you fired.
The DESTRUCTIVE temper. When Sagittarius’ temper comes out it’s fuck everybody’s feelings and they’re going to rip you a new asshole with their words. They like punching walls, doors, throwing shit into walls. They have to get it out
The SEETHING temper. Capricorn NEVER shows all of their feelings without making the conscious choice to. Watch out for them. They’re anger is like lava. When they go off what they’re thinking in their head is way worse than what they’ll ever say.
The SOAPBOX temper. When Aquarius gets pissed they’re reading everyone involved their rights. They want you to feel like shit. They want you to KNOW how they feel about you and what type of person you have to be for them to FEEL like that.
The INSIDIOUS temper. Pisces can be VERY vindictive when pissed. If you pissed them off they want to make sure you FEEL the way you made them feel and they won’t let it go until they believe they’ve accomplished this.
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