How I Turned $1000 Into $89,263.12 (proof attached):
7 years ago. I started as a copywriter. Problem w/ copywriters? Top 5% make bank. 85% fight for peanuts. 10% are clueless, trying to sell copywriting services to people who think ā€œcopywritingā€ is a legal term (thatā€™s like trying to sell sex to a Jehovah Witness).
I didnā€™t want peanuts. I wanted bank.

So hereā€™s what I did:

Step 1: Withdrew ten $100 bills.

Step 2: Made a list of 10 powerful CEOs who I knew were paying a pretty penny for copywriting services.
Step 3: Studied these people inside out (and their business) till I knew them better than their own wives.

Step 4: Used my DR skills to write a letter so good it was impossible to ignore.
(This letter positioned me as the prize, used social proof and made an offer so irresistible the CEO would be committing ā€œbusiness suicideā€ if he rejected it. Or at least thatā€™s how I presented it).

Step 5: Attached a $100 bill at the top of the letter.
(I stole this idea from Gary Halbert - but instead of using a $1 bill like he used to - I used $100 because I had to get the CEOā€™s pants wet w/ the juices of excitement).

Step 6: Used the $100 as the hook/attention grabber.
ā€œI can make you more money. This is the first of many $100 bills youā€™ll be receiving because of me. Blah. Blah. Blah.ā€

Step 7: Sent the letter using priority mail. Paid extra for tracking AND the option that requires a ā€œsignatureā€ from the ā€œrecipientā€
(I did this because: 1. I needed to know when the package was delivered 2. When people sign for shit, the perceived value of the package is higher so theyā€™re going to open it).

Step 8: I used a killer CTA:
ā€œI got a notification telling me the letter was delivered. And now you have 24 hours to call me at [xxx]-[xxx]-[xxxx] or Iā€™ll be using my skills to grow [top competitors name] revenue instead. Clock starts now.ā€

Step 9: I set a timer for 24 hours (over the top, I know).
Step 10: Before the 24 hours were up, hereā€™s what happened:

- 2 CEOā€™s ignored me.

- 2 CEOā€™s called to congratulate me on the size of my balls/creativity (and politely declined).
- 6 CEOā€™s called to say sending $100 was gutsy as fuck and very respectable. They scheduled a discovery call.

- 2 of those 6 CEOā€™s I couldnā€™t close (nerves got the best of me).

- 4 of those 6 CEOā€™s I closed. And grew their business. They grew mine.
By the end of the school year, those 4 clients made me ~$89,000.

(They gave me more copy projects than I knew what to do with. In fact, I had to turn down new clients because I was also a full-time HS student/party animal during this time too.)

2 lessons:

1. @schm7dt @StartSellingSSS @kobegatsby @thecadclub @WallStPlayboys tell you over and over again to learn sales and/or direct response marketing. And this (IMO) is why.

If you know direct response, you know how to make money. Period.
The reason Iā€™ve never had to work a ā€œjobā€ (for more than 3 days) is because I learned direct response at an early age. And whenever I needed money, I used my DR skills to make it happen.

2. Iā€™ve followed one ā€œmarketing ruleā€ my entire ā€œcareerā€. And it has made me lots of $$$s.
Maybe itā€™ll help you?


Here it is:

When everybody else is doing X, do Y.

If everybody is pushing FB ads, be in your clients mailbox. If everybody is in his mailbox, be in his office. If everybody is in his office, show up to the dinner table as his daughters date lol.
I already have a bunch of emails/DMs asking how to learn direct response marketing. And Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get more after this thread.

So here are 2 answers for you:

1. Iā€™ve created a Google Doc sharing what I personally used to learn direct response, copywriting, salesmanship.
Plus, Nateā€™s got the juice (heā€™s proven it).

So if I was just starting out, I would get it.

Hereā€™s the link: https://ecomcopycrashcourse.com/ 

Do with these 2 resources what you please.

But above all, donā€™t ignore em.

If you do, youā€™re committing ā€œbusiness suicide.ā€

You can follow @ComedicBizman.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword ā€œunrollā€ to get a link to it.

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