Hi guys, I've really been Blessed as a Nigerian hiphop artist, I have not had a perfect career but I have found success in what I do, I figured a lot of successful artist don't give out tips on how they found their way in this cut throat industry. Well here is a

I can tell you for free that if you are talented, you can make a living off your talent, and the difference between you and the biggest artist out there is a hit song, I haven't made a hit song before so I can't tell you how to make one..
The truth is most artists that had or have a hit song did it by luck, divine intervention or massive promotion, true, there are elements that make up a Nigerian hit song, but if u do not have a massive budget to push those elements, it rarely works and only dilutes your content
the only alternative is to push yourself to limits no one can compete with, I have been with almost all the successful hiphop artists and I'd tell you for free that I have been with much more talented upcoming than successful ones, but what are these upcoming artist during wrong
Nothing really.. they will tell you it's in your music, it's in your attitude, it's in your brand, it's in the way you carry yourself, true, these things are important, but you can learn these things on your way up, I'd tell you something I experience recently..
the harder you work, you brand gets way bigger, but your finances don't really increase that much, if you were using buses before, you now have to start using uber, your videos have to start looking better, you feel the need to change your car and the place you live
This is were I am in my career, now people that did things for you for free now feel you should give back because they notice the change, u start to meet girls with extremely high taste and attending high end events in designer clothes, this is where a lot of artist careers end
You forget you are still a struggling artist and these distractions cut into you promotional and production budget, but the clout is necessary for growth, you must live the artist life, Like I always tell my guys, no matter what, you always got to be a Gee
But the game is designed to keep you misinformed or not informed at all, there is only one way out of this, which is what I like to call your Brand Equity, you need an alternate source of income, you need to use that brand/clout the music gave you to generate more income
to sustain that lavish lifestyle, this will also help cut down on your lavish lifestyle as you will find that you are busy most of the time and can't go out often, I don't know if I will make it really big or I'd crash by the road side, I don't have all the answers, but ..
..as long as I keep moving, I want you to move with me, I need you to compete with me, I live and breathe for it, don't get frustrated or depressed, keep moving forward.. not all of us will blow, but all of us can build and progress. hope this helps you. Bless.
Pls RT so it can reach an artist who needs this ....keep moving forward
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