Small #thread
I want us to ponder on something.
Almost everyone's religion is as a result of being born into the religion. As a Muslim, Christian or traditionalist, have you pondered if you are on the right path? I advise we make time to research on our religion by.....
Searching on the Net "why is my religion(Islam or Christianity) the wrong path" then search alternatively why the other religion is the right path. Finally, search why your religion is the right path. Try not to be sensitive about anything you read or watch.....
Follow your investigation with the hope of seeing the light about your religion.
After your research, you'll either be more confident about your path or have second thoughts. If you are doubting your religion, do extra research to be sure. Follow ur heart & change if possible...
I mean, it won't make sense if you know your religion is the wrong path and still remain in it. Don't be ashamed to. Importantly, be sure you are meeting the right people if you are willing to take that step. Don't meet Fanatics or Self obsessed people in the religion.
Personally, I am currently doing this. I have Been researching a lot recently. I have not reached my conclusion but I am sure I will follow what my heart tells me is right after I complete my research. May God guide us all to the right path.
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