This is actually a highly valid point.
Because, how do we proceed to live in this realm?
We position our acts according to a vision of how we want our life to be. But this vision isnā€™t current life yet. Itā€™s like a horizon we see & wish to go towards. So then,
we shape our present life, according to this vision we got.
We follow the path that brings us to the wanted destination, so that the horizon can become our current location. So, the future creates the present, indeed. Or the ā€œpastā€, but Iā€™ll elaborate on that later on.
& so we follow the path, follow the vision, & finally get where we wish to be. Which lowkey means, from the way I see it, that weā€™re in a multidimensional time loop. Multi-D bc we went from a vision in the mind, to something material that came after.
Itā€™s almost like returning to the starting point, except that now the vision is actually tangible.
So now Iā€™m gon elaborate on present or ā€œpastā€ :
If we actually go deeper in this time process, present & past do not exist. They are just stages of the realisation of the vision.
The only real thing, wether is tangible or not yet, is the vision.
Letā€™s look at this mathematically for more understanding :
Letā€™s take the exemple of a focal on a function f(x) point, which would be the destination weā€™re trying to reach. Letā€™s take f(x)=x for instance. & our ideal position is x=3. Weā€™re starting from 0.
In this mathematical realm, before getting to the position x=3, thereā€™s 1, & 2. If youā€™re at x=2, x=1 is would be your past position, & x=2, your present position. x=1, & x=2, are just positions, that leads to the wanted destination, x=3.
So, as we can see,
time doesnā€™t really exist. Itā€™s only a matter of positions.
Time is an illusory component that appears when thereā€™s a movement, a shifting from one position to another.
We can even verify that with a simple formula, t = d/s.
Look closer :
Distance is what separates 2 difference focal points. The concept of distance implies the existence of a movement from one point to another.
If thereā€™s no movement, there no distance to mesure. d=0. & if d=0, t=0/s ā†”ļø t=0. No time.
Time canā€™t exist without positions (so without space) but positions are there with or without time. Only space remains. So as said previously, only your vision, that can be seen as a focal point, or an horizon, only your vision is real. Everything else is illusory.
This was such an interesting concept to theorize on. & I feel like ultimately, this is how things really are.
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